FrontEnd Developer (Developer/Designer/Creator)
I am an expert on this web programming and developing world. Also, I have gathered vast knowledge about using coding, designing, markup languages and other things that are related to this sector. I am always updated with new string of coding and browser compatibility. I love learning and implementing according to time.I post my projects content and learnings on my Linkedin profile "JuhiNagpure" with more than 2k followers. I always try to beat previous me and make myself better day by day, giving my best to learn and acquire top skills and become a great developer. 🎯
🔭 I’m always working on improving my skills
🌱 I’m currently learning JavaScript
👨💻 Personal portfolio: Portfolio
💬 Ask me about Web, FrontEnd
📫 How to reach me:
⚡ Fun fact I am deeply in love with Tailwind ❤️
❓ Ask me about anything related to frontend related technologies