v0.85- Middlestone update.
- Introduced ability to create multiple multixci or multinsp in both auto and manual mode based on the base-titleid of games\updates\dlc.
- Introduced ability to setup jobs for multimode so they can be build in one go later. This is useful specially if you want to add several games to xci\nsp
- Introduced ability to ignore setup jobs in favour of the current one.
- Setup folders for multibuild jobs. Main folder is "lists":
* Subfolder for setup jobs: lists\m_multi
* Subfolder for current jobs: lists\a_multi
Note: The lists are created during the normal operation of the program.
- Implemented ability to handle the exceptions for the few asian games that had their title not decoded properly.
- Fixed issue for the multicontent splitter where updates\dlcs weren't splitted as nsp when the output was set to xci
- Added ability to output xci data on the databases
- Added simplified database option
- Added super-xci-trimmer to the individual modes. It'll take off paddings, update partition and game updates. It's meant to have minimun scene-xcis that can be verified with tinfoil which already ignored updates when installing these xci since they are normally outdated.
NOTE: The card-ncas are not modified so the signature verifies on tinfoil