- http://gulpjs.com/
- https://build-podcast.com/
- from book Getting started with Gulp by Travis Maynard
Gulp is a streaming JS build system built with node.js; it leverages the power of streams and code-over-configuration to automate, organize, and run development tasks very quickly and efficiently
Node.js commonly referred to as node, is a powerful Js platform that is built on top of Google Chrome's Js runtime engine, V8. This give us the ability to write Js code on a server, or in our case, on local machine
Node.js ships with npm, a companion package manager that facilitates the installation, storage, and creation of modular components that you can use to create applications.
- project automation
- streams = "pipe"
- code over config
Command reference
- ls - listening files and folders
- cd - changing directory / folder
- mkdir - making a directory
- touch file_name - creating a file on Mac
- sudo mkdir folder_name
Gulp started with 4 main methods
- task(string, function) method is a basic wrapper for which we create our tasks. A string value representing the name of task.
- .src(string || array) method is our input, or how we gain access to the source files that we plan are modifying.
- .watch(string, array) method is used to specifically look for changes on our files.
- .dest(string) method is used to set the output destination of your processed file.
- .pipe(function) method will allow us to pipe together smaller single-purpose plugins or applications into a pipechain.
- .parallel() and .series() methods as a way to easily control whether your task are ran together - all at once, on in a sequence - one after the other
Static server
Browser sync - handle browser refreshing and sync up every action that is performed on your pages across any device po your local network.
Browserify - bundle modules
Gulp-plumber, beeper - resolving issues