Files to automate the deploy of letsencrypt certificates to Zimbra
You will probably find these files useful when you want to move your self-signed Zimbra certificate to the letsencrypt valid one and automate the renewal of the certificate.
- You'll need to have Certbot isntalled on your system (needs EPEL):
yum -y install certbot
- Clone this repo in your root folder (or wherever you want):
git clone
- Set your variables by editing
file - cd to the script folder and run
, sit back and relax while your server gets a fresh certificate and deploys (zimbra services will be restarted) - run
./ --help
for help and for a copy-paste-friendly hint to automate renewals using crontab - Enjoy open-source and encryption!
NOTE: Tested on Zimbra 8.7 and CentOS 7 host (will not work for Zimbra < 8.7 since zmcertmgr is running as zimbra user, on CentOS 6 you will need to install an alternate python version to run Certbot, it works but require little extra prep).
- git
- Let's Encrypt Certbot client
- Zimbra 8.7
- install prerequisites on CentOS 7:
yum install git epel-release
yum install certbot
- install CertBot on CentOS 6:
setup python 2.7 repo
yum install -y
rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/IUS-COMMUNITY-GPG-KEY
yum -y install python27 python27-devel python27-pip python27-setuptools python27-virtualenv --enablerepo=ius
download and install Certbot and other prerequisites
yum -y install git dialog libffi-devel mod_ssl openssl-devel python-devel python-pip python-tools python-virtualenv
wget -O /usr/bin/certbot
chmod+x /usr/bin/certbot
- Vojtěch Myslivec: letsencrypt-zimbra