pybonita is a Python wrapper for the Bonita REST API
python install
You can build the documentation with make doc
On Github, you can find the documentation from gh-pages
Here are 2 examples using the PyBonita library
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from pybonita import BonitaServer
from pybonita import BonitaCase, BonitaProcess
def main():
# Connect with the Bonita server
BonitaServer.use('localhost', 9090, 'restuser', 'restbpm')
# Retrieve the process where we want a new case open
process = BonitaProcess.get(u'MyProcess--1.0')
# Initialize params of the Case : use your own names here
variables = {'demandeur':'julien',
'titre':'Au secours',
'demande_initiale':'Plein de soucis'}
# Prepare the new case
case = BonitaCase(process=process, variables=variables)
# Add an attachment
filepath = "~/Desktop/machin.txt"
case.add_attachment(name="pj", filepath=filepath)
# Create the new case on the bonita server
if __name__ == '__main__':
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from pybonita import BonitaServer
from pybonita import BonitaUser, BonitaGroup, BonitaRole, BonitaMembership
def main():
# Setup the connexion to the server
BonitaServer.use('localhost', 9090, 'restuser', 'restbpm', ['latin-1'])
# Retrieve group of "response entreprise"
group = BonitaGroup.get(path='/platform/responsables_entreprise')
# Retrieve users allready registrered in this group
allready_registered_users = BonitaUser.find(group=group)
# Get role "user"
role = BonitaRole.get(name='user')
# Get Membership for group and role
membership = BonitaMembership.get(group=group, role=role)
# Register new user for this group and role
user = BonitaUser(username='', password='123456')
if __name__ == '__main__':