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Merge pull request #36 from chriscoey/zeroalloc
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reduce allocations during iteration to essentially zero
  • Loading branch information
chriscoey authored Aug 23, 2018
2 parents bf66f40 + c119610 commit 133b422
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Showing 5 changed files with 143 additions and 105 deletions.
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions examples/envelope/envelope.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ function build_envelope!(alf::Alfonso.AlfonsoOpt, npoly::Int, deg::Int, n::Int,
PWts = [Array((qr(Diagonal(sqrt.(wtVals[:,j]))*P[:,1:LWts[j]])).Q) for j in 1:n]

# set up problem data
A = repeat(sparse(1.0I, U, U), outer=(1, npoly))
# A = repeat(sparse(1.0I, U, U), outer=(1, npoly)) # TODO ldiv! with sparse A is broken on julia 0.7
A = repeat(Array(1.0I, U, U), outer=(1, npoly))
b = w
if use_data
# use provided data in data folder
Expand All @@ -33,7 +34,8 @@ function build_envelope!(alf::Alfonso.AlfonsoOpt, npoly::Int, deg::Int, n::Int,
LDegs = binomial(n+deg, n)
c = vec(P[:,1:LDegs]*rand(-9:9, LDegs, npoly))
cone = Alfonso.Cone(fill(Alfonso.SumOfSquaresCone(U, P, PWts), npoly), AbstractUnitRange[1+(k-1)*U:k*U for k in 1:npoly])

cone = Alfonso.Cone(fill(Alfonso.SumOfSquaresCone(U, [P, PWts...]), npoly), AbstractUnitRange[1+(k-1)*U:k*U for k in 1:npoly])

return Alfonso.load_data!(alf, A, b, c, cone)
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions examples/namedpoly/namedpoly.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -68,12 +68,12 @@ function build_namedpoly!(alf::Alfonso.AlfonsoOpt, polyname::Symbol, d::Int)
A = ones(1, U)
b = [1.0,]
c = [fn(pts[j,:]...) for j in 1:U]
cone = Alfonso.Cone([Alfonso.SumOfSquaresCone(U, P0, PWts),], AbstractUnitRange[1:U,])
cone = Alfonso.Cone([Alfonso.SumOfSquaresCone(U, [P0, PWts...]),], AbstractUnitRange[1:U,])

return Alfonso.load_data!(alf, A, b, c, cone)

# alf = Alfonso.AlfonsoOpt(maxiter=100, verbose=false)
# alf = Alfonso.AlfonsoOpt(maxiter=100, verbose=true)

# select the named polynomial to minimize and the SOS degree (to be squared)
# build_namedpoly!(alf, :butcher, 2)
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160 changes: 103 additions & 57 deletions src/nativeinterface.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ function getinitialiterate(alf::AlfonsoOpt)
ty = zeros(m)
tau = 1.0
ts = calcg!(g, cone)
ts .*= -1
ts .*= -1.0
kap = 1.0
mu = (dot(tx, ts) + tau*kap)/alf.bnu

Expand All @@ -239,56 +239,64 @@ function solve!(alf::AlfonsoOpt)
cone = alf.cone

# calculate initial central primal-dual iterate
alf.verbose && println("Finding initial iterate")
(tx, ty, tau, ts, kap, mu) = getinitialiterate(alf)

# preallocate arrays
rhs_ty = similar(ty)
rhs_tx = similar(tx)
# preallocate arrays # TODO probably could get away with fewer. rename to temp_
p_res = similar(ty)
d_res = similar(tx)
dir_ty = similar(ty)
dir_tx = similar(tx)
dir_ts = similar(ts)
sa_tx = copy(tx)
loadpnt!(cone, sa_tx)
sa_ts = similar(ts)
g = similar(tx)
HiAt = similar(b, n, m) # TODO for very sparse LPs, using sparse here is good (diagonal hessian), but for sparse problems with dense hessians, want dense
AHiAt = similar(b, m, m)
y1 = similar(b)
x1 = similar(c)
y2 = similar(b)
x2 = similar(c)

# main loop
if alf.verbose
println("Starting iteration")
@printf("\n%5s %12s %12s %9s %9s %9s %9s %9s %9s\n", "iter", "p_obj", "d_obj", "gap", "p_inf", "d_inf", "tau", "kap", "mu")

loadpnt!(cone, sa_tx)
alf.status = :StartedIterating
alphapred = alf.alphapredinit
iter = 0

while true
# calculate convergence metrics
ctx = dot(c, tx)
bty = dot(b, ty)
p_obj = ctx/tau
d_obj = bty/tau
gap = abs(ctx - bty)/(tau + abs(bty))
rhs_ty .= -A*tx + b*tau
p_inf = maximum(abs, rhs_ty)/alf.tol_pres
rhs_tx .= A'*ty - c*tau + ts
d_inf = maximum(abs, rhs_tx)/alf.tol_dres
rhs_tau = -bty + ctx + kap
compl = abs(rhs_tau)/alf.tol_compl
rel_gap = abs(ctx - bty)/(tau + abs(bty))
# p_res = -A*tx + b*tau
mul!(p_res, A, tx)
p_res .= tau .* b .- p_res
p_inf = maximum(abs, p_res)/alf.tol_pres
# d_res = A'*ty - c*tau + ts
mul!(d_res, A', ty)
d_res .+= ts .- tau .* c
d_inf = maximum(abs, d_res)/alf.tol_dres
abs_gap = -bty + ctx + kap
compl = abs(abs_gap)/alf.tol_compl

if alf.verbose
# print iteration statistics
@printf("%5d %12.4e %12.4e %9.2e %9.2e %9.2e %9.2e %9.2e %9.2e\n", iter, p_obj, d_obj, gap, p_inf, d_inf, tau, kap, mu)
@printf("%5d %12.4e %12.4e %9.2e %9.2e %9.2e %9.2e %9.2e %9.2e\n", iter, p_obj, d_obj, rel_gap, p_inf, d_inf, tau, kap, mu)

# check convergence criteria
if (p_inf <= alf.optimtol) && (d_inf <= alf.optimtol)
if gap <= alf.optimtol
if rel_gap <= alf.optimtol
alf.verbose && println("Problem is feasible and an approximate optimal solution was found; terminating")
alf.status = :Optimal
Expand All @@ -312,22 +320,17 @@ function solve!(alf::AlfonsoOpt)

# prediction phase
# determine prediction direction
invmu = 1.0/mu
calcHiprod!(HiAt, A', cone) # TODO may be faster as calcLiprod
HiAt .*= invmu
FAW = cholesky(Symmetric(A*HiAt))
# TODO can parallelize 1 and 2
y1 .= FAW\(b + HiAt'*c)
calcHiprod!(x1, invmu*(A'*y1 - c), cone)
y2 .= FAW\(rhs_ty + HiAt'*(ts - rhs_tx))
calcHiprod!(x2, invmu*(A'*y2 - ts + rhs_tx), cone)

dir_tau = (rhs_tau - kap - dot(b, y2) + dot(c, x2))/(mu/tau^2 + dot(b, y1) - dot(c, x1))
dir_ty .= y2 + dir_tau*y1
dir_tx .= x2 + dir_tau*x1
dir_ts .= -rhs_tx - A'*dir_ty + c*dir_tau
dir_kap = -rhs_tau + dot(b, dir_ty) - dot(c, dir_tx)
# calculate prediction direction
# x rhs is (ts - d_res), y rhs is p_res
dir_tx .= ts .- d_res # temp for x rhs
solvelinsys!(y1, x1, y2, x2, mu, dir_tx, p_res, A, b, c, cone, HiAt, AHiAt)

dir_tau = (abs_gap - kap - dot(b, y2) + dot(c, x2))/(mu/tau^2 + dot(b, y1) - dot(c, x1))
dir_ty .= y2 .+ dir_tau .* y1
dir_tx .= x2 .+ dir_tau .* x1
mul!(dir_ts, A', dir_ty)
dir_ts .= dir_tau .* c .- dir_ts .- d_res
dir_kap = -abs_gap + dot(b, dir_ty) - dot(c, dir_tx)

# determine step length alpha by line search
alpha = alphapred
Expand All @@ -338,19 +341,19 @@ function solve!(alf::AlfonsoOpt)
while true
nprediters += 1

sa_tx .= tx + alpha*dir_tx
sa_tx .= tx .+ alpha .* dir_tx

# accept primal iterate if
# - decreased alpha and it is the first inside the cone and beta-neighborhood or
# - increased alpha and it is inside the cone and the first to leave beta-neighborhood
if incone(cone)
# primal iterate is inside the cone
sa_ts .= ts + alpha*dir_ts
sa_ts .= ts .+ alpha .* dir_ts
sa_tk = (tau + alpha*dir_tau)*(kap + alpha*dir_kap)
sa_mu = (dot(sa_tx, sa_ts) + sa_tk)/alf.bnu

calcg!(g, cone)
sa_ts .+= sa_mu*g
sa_ts .+= sa_mu .* g # temp
calcLiprod!(g, sa_ts, cone)
nbhd = sqrt((sa_tk - sa_mu)^2 + sum(abs2, g))/sa_mu

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -399,10 +402,10 @@ function solve!(alf::AlfonsoOpt)

# step distance alpha in the direction
ty .+= alpha*dir_ty
tx .+= alpha*dir_tx
ty .+= alpha .* dir_ty
tx .= sa_tx
tau += alpha*dir_tau
ts .+= alpha*dir_ts
ts .+= alpha .* dir_ts
kap += alpha*dir_kap
mu = (dot(tx, ts) + tau*kap)/alf.bnu

Expand All @@ -418,21 +421,18 @@ function solve!(alf::AlfonsoOpt)
ncorrsteps += 1

# calculate correction direction
# x rhs is (ts + mu*g), y rhs is 0
calcg!(g, cone)
invmu = 1.0/mu
calcHiprod!(HiAt, A', cone) # TODO may be faster as calcLiprod
HiAt .*= invmu
FAW = cholesky(Symmetric(A*HiAt), check=false)
# TODO can parallelize 1 and 2
y1 .= FAW\(b + HiAt'*c)
calcHiprod!(x1, invmu*(A'*y1 - c), cone)
y2 .= FAW\(HiAt'*(ts + mu*g))
calcHiprod!(x2, invmu*(A'*y2 - ts) - g, cone)
dir_tx .= ts .+ mu .* g # temp for x rhs
dir_ty .= 0.0 # temp for y rhs
solvelinsys!(y1, x1, y2, x2, mu, dir_tx, dir_ty, A, b, c, cone, HiAt, AHiAt)

dir_tau = (mu/tau - kap - dot(b, y2) + dot(c, x2))/(mu/tau^2 + dot(b, y1) - dot(c, x1))
dir_ty .= y2 + dir_tau*y1
dir_tx .= x2 + dir_tau*x1
dir_ts .= -A'*dir_ty + c*dir_tau
dir_ty .= y2 .+ dir_tau .* y1
dir_tx .= x2 .+ dir_tau .* x1
# dir_ts = -A'*dir_ty + c*dir_tau
mul!(dir_ts, A', dir_ty)
dir_ts .= dir_tau .* c .- dir_ts
dir_kap = dot(b, dir_ty) - dot(c, dir_tx)

# determine step length alpha by line search
Expand All @@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ function solve!(alf::AlfonsoOpt)
while ncorrlsiters <= alf.maxcorrlsiters
ncorrlsiters += 1

sa_tx .= tx + alpha*dir_tx
sa_tx .= tx .+ alpha .* dir_tx

if incone(cone)
# primal iterate tx is inside the cone, so terminate line search
Expand All @@ -465,17 +465,17 @@ function solve!(alf::AlfonsoOpt)

# step distance alpha in the direction
ty .+= alpha*dir_ty
ty .+= alpha .* dir_ty
tx .= sa_tx
tau += alpha*dir_tau
ts .+= alpha*dir_ts
ts .+= alpha .* dir_ts
kap += alpha*dir_kap
mu = (dot(tx, ts) + tau*kap)/alf.bnu

# finish if allowed and current iterate is in the eta-neighborhood, or if taken max steps
if (ncorrsteps == alf.maxcorrsteps) || alf.corrcheck
calcg!(g, cone)
sa_ts .= ts + mu*g
sa_ts .= ts .+ mu .* g
calcLiprod!(g, sa_ts, cone)
nbhd = sqrt((tau*kap - mu)^2 + sum(abs2, g))/mu

Expand All @@ -501,10 +501,13 @@ function solve!(alf::AlfonsoOpt)
# calculate final solution and iteration statistics
alf.niters = iter

alf.x = tx./tau
alf.y = ty./tau
tx ./= tau
alf.x = tx
ty ./= tau
alf.y = ty
alf.tau = tau
alf.s = ts./tau
ts ./= tau
alf.s = ts
alf.kap = kap

alf.pobj = dot(c, alf.x)
Expand All @@ -514,8 +517,15 @@ function solve!(alf::AlfonsoOpt)
alf.rel_dgap = alf.dgap/(1.0 + abs(alf.pobj) + abs(alf.dobj))
alf.rel_cgap = alf.cgap/(1.0 + abs(alf.pobj) + abs(alf.dobj))

alf.pres = b - A*alf.x
alf.dres = c - A'*alf.y - alf.s
# alf.pres = b - A*alf.x
mul!(p_res, A, alf.x)
p_res .= b .- p_res
alf.pres = p_res
# alf.dres = c - A'*alf.y - alf.s
mul!(d_res, A', alf.y)
d_res .= c .- d_res .- alf.s
alf.dres = d_res = norm(alf.pres)
alf.din = norm(alf.dres)
alf.rel_pin = + norm(b, Inf))
Expand All @@ -526,6 +536,42 @@ function solve!(alf::AlfonsoOpt)
return nothing

function solvelinsys!(y1, x1, y2, x2, mu, rhs_tx, rhs_ty, A, b, c, cone, HiAt, AHiAt)
invmu = inv(mu)

calcHiprod!(HiAt, A', cone) # TODO may be faster as calcLiprod
HiAt .*= invmu

mul!(AHiAt, A, HiAt)
FAH = cholesky!(Symmetric(AHiAt))

# TODO can parallelize 1 and 2
# y1 = FAH\(b + HiAt'*c)
mul!(y1, HiAt', c)
y1 .+= b
ldiv!(FAH, y1)

# x1 = Hi*invmu*(A'*y1 - c)
mul!(x1, A', y1)
x1 .-= c
x1 .*= invmu
calcHiprod!(x1, x1, cone)

# y2 = FAH\(rhs_ty + HiAt'*rhs_tx)
mul!(y2, HiAt', rhs_tx)
y2 .+= rhs_ty
ldiv!(FAH, y2)

# x2 = Hi*invmu*(A'*y2 - rhs_tx)
mul!(x2, A', y2)
x2 .-= rhs_tx
x2 .*= invmu
calcHiprod!(x2, x2, cone)

return (y1, x1, y2, x2)

function getbetaeta(maxcorrsteps, bnu)
if maxcorrsteps <= 2
if bnu < 10.0
Expand Down

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