Hypatia v0.4.0
Closed issues:
- return SlowProgress if some residual norms start increasing too much (#327)
- tighten tols for infeasibility detection check (#347)
- improve termination criteria for outer 6x6 iterative refinement (#375)
- fix argument types of vec to mat functions (#392)
- optimize LMI cone barrier evals (#477)
- for WSOS cones, special case P_r for which L_r = 1 (just use log of 1x1 Lambda instead of logdet) (#533)
- try checking hessian nbhd after heuristic nbhd is satisfied for all cones (#534)
- experiment with higher order correctors (again) (#567)
- MOI interface:
not respected (#640) - get a more efficient TOA for lmi cone (#654)
Merged pull requests:
- add matrix relative entropy cone (#574) (@lkapelevich)
- fix type issues with interpolation functions (#629) (@chriscoey)
- rename predorcent stepper file (#630) (@chriscoey)
- improve predorcent stepper (#631) (@chriscoey)
- improve predorcent stepper and use curve search (#633) (@chriscoey)
- add more entropy-like cones (#634) (@lkapelevich)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "IterativeSolvers" to "0.9" (#635) (@github-actions[bot])
- cleanup and add barrier oracles numerics checks (#637) (@chriscoey)
- cleanup and improve slow progress checks (#638) (@chriscoey)
- add third order derivatives for relative entropy (#639) (@lkapelevich)
- add and test stepper options and cleanup search (#641) (@chriscoey)
- if not spawning in runbenchmarks, run compile instance (#642) (@chriscoey)
- simplify steppers and alpha search, add optional initial alpha heuristic (#643) (@chriscoey)
- delete a redundant line of code (#646) (@lkapelevich)
- improve predorcent stepper (#647) (@chriscoey)
- correct MOI.Silent (#648) (@lkapelevich)
- add timings for subprocedures (#649) (@chriscoey)
- use lower bound on hessian nbhd to speed up search (#650) (@chriscoey)
- time factorizations and system solver setup (#652) (@chriscoey)
- remove constant multiplier from rootdet barrier (#653) (@lkapelevich)
- rename randompolymat to nearestpolymat (#655) (@lkapelevich)
- refactor wsos matrix oracles for faster grad (#656) (@lkapelevich)
- refactor wsos L1 cone, making grad faster (#657) (@lkapelevich)
- refactor wsos L2 cone, making grad faster (#658) (@lkapelevich)
- add scripts for benchmarking steppers (#659) (@lkapelevich)
- add various example instances to benchmark (#661) (@lkapelevich)
- get a better LMI TOA (#662) (@lkapelevich)
- faster TOA for wsos nonnegative (#663) (@lkapelevich)
- cleanup cone oracle tests, check oracle allocations (#664) (@chriscoey)
- add power benchmark instances and tweaks in stepper run script (#665) (@lkapelevich)
- speed up matrix wsos TOA (#666) (@lkapelevich)
- WIP: fix some slow oracles and failing instances (#667) (@chriscoey)
- make stepper analysis script produce more CSVs (#668) (@lkapelevich)
- make more tweaks to benchmark analysis scripts (#669) (@lkapelevich)
- improve scalar wsos oracles and test complex case (#670) (@lkapelevich)
- improve LMI cone oracles (#671) (@chriscoey)
- improve wsosmat corrector slightly (#672) (@chriscoey)
- reduce time complexity in the TOO of WSOS L2 cone (#673) (@lkapelevich)
- WIP: use expensive hess prods, only use iterative refinement when needed (#674) (@chriscoey)
- record example type in dataframe (#675) (@chriscoey)
- improve wsos oracles speed (#676) (@chriscoey)
- improve time complexity for WSOS L1 TOO (#677) (@lkapelevich)
- use expensive hessian products only when needed (#678) (@chriscoey)
- count number of instances with loosened tolerances (#679) (@lkapelevich)
- rename shift to back (#680) (@lkapelevich)
- remove unneeded preallocated space in matrix wsos (#681) (@lkapelevich)
- refactor hess prod and correction for wsosmat (#682) (@chriscoey)
- WIP: add different implementation types for sparse PSD cone, add new example (#683) (@chriscoey)
- WIP: add new generic matrix monotone epigraph cone (#684) (@chriscoey)
- delete unused import (#685) (@lkapelevich)