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Add the constructvariable!/variabletype functions (#1029)
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* Add the constructvariable!/variabletype functions

This allows extensions to use the @variable macro to create other types
of variables

* Add comments for @variable, constructvariable! and variabletype

* Remove constructvariable! method for symbol

* Stop using Core.Inference.return_type and add examples

* Pass arguments as positional arguments in constructvariable! for speed

* escape extra arguments passed to constructvariable! in @variable

* Add missing variabletype

* Support lb/ub/start depending on index for variabletype

* Detect when sym is constant in getloopedtype

* Make variabletype only depend on extra positional arguments

* Fix addition of kwargs to constructvariable!

* Add test for constructvariable! and variabletype

* MyType -> MyVariable

* Fix addkwargs! on v0.6
  • Loading branch information
blegat authored and joehuchette committed May 24, 2017
1 parent 66dd070 commit 7b5077d
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Showing 2 changed files with 139 additions and 44 deletions.
148 changes: 104 additions & 44 deletions src/macros.jl
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Expand Up @@ -222,6 +222,14 @@ function _localvar(x::Expr)

function addkwargs!(call, kwargs)
kwsymbol = VERSION < v"0.6.0-dev.1934" ? :kw : :(=) # changed by julia PR #19868
for kw in kwargs
@assert isexpr(kw, kwsymbol)
push!(call.args, esc(Expr(:kw, kw.args...)))

getname(c::Symbol) = c
getname(c::Void) = ()
getname(c::AbstractString) = c
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -405,10 +413,7 @@ macro constraint(args...)
newaff, parsecode = parseExprToplevel(lhs, :q)
constraintcall = :($addconstr($m, constructconstraint!($newaff,$(quot(sense)))))
for kw in kwargs.args
@assert isexpr(kw, kwsymbol)
push!(constraintcall.args, esc(Expr(:kw,kw.args...)))
addkwargs!(constraintcall, kwargs.args)
code = quote
q = zero(AffExpr)
Expand All @@ -432,10 +437,7 @@ macro constraint(args...)
newub, parseub = parseExprToplevel(x.args[5],:ub)

constraintcall = :($addconstr($m, constructconstraint!($newaff,$newlb,$newub)))
for kw in kwargs.args
@assert isexpr(kw, kwsymbol)
push!(constraintcall.args, esc(Expr(:kw,kw.args...)))
addkwargs!(constraintcall, kwargs.args)
code = quote
aff = zero(AffExpr)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -811,11 +813,60 @@ esc_nonconstant(x::Number) = x
esc_nonconstant(x::Expr) = isexpr(x,:quote) ? x : esc(x)
esc_nonconstant(x) = esc(x)

# Returns the type of what `constructvariable!` would return with these starting positional arguments.
variabletype(m::Model) = Variable
# Returns a new variable belonging to the model `m`. Additional positional arguments can be used to dispatch the call to a different method.
# The return type should only depends on the positional arguments for `variabletype` to make sense.
function constructvariable!(m::Model, _error::Function, lowerbound::Number, upperbound::Number, category::Symbol, objective::Number, inconstraints::Vector, coefficients::Vector{Float64}, basename::AbstractString, start::Number; extra_kwargs...)
for (kwarg, _) in extra_kwargs
_error("Unrecognized keyword argument $kwarg")
Variable(m, lowerbound, upperbound, category == :Default ? :Cont : category, objective, inconstraints, coefficients, basename, start)

function constructvariable!(m::Model, _error::Function, lowerbound::Number, upperbound::Number, category::Symbol, basename::AbstractString, start::Number; extra_kwargs...)
for (kwarg, _) in extra_kwargs
_error("Unrecognized keyword argument $kwarg")
Variable(m, lowerbound, upperbound, category == :Default ? :Cont : category, basename, start)

const EMPTYSTRING = ""

variable_error(args, str) = error("In @variable($(join(args,","))): ", str)

# @variable(m, expr, extra...; kwargs...)
# where `extra` is a list of extra positional arguments and `extra_kwargs` is a list of keyword arguments.
# It creates a new variable (resp. a container of new variables) belonging to the model `m` using `constructvariable!` to create the variable (resp. each variable of the container).
# The following modifications will be made to the arguments before they are passed to `constructvariable!`:
# * The `expr` argument will not be passed but the expression will be parsed to determine the kind of container needed (if one is needed) and
# additional information that will alter what is passed with the keywords `lowerbound`, `upperbound`, `basename` and `start`.
# * The `SDP` and `Symmetric` positional arguments in `extra` will not be passed to `constructvariable!`. Instead,
# * the `Symmetric` argument will check that the container is symmetric and only allocate one variable for each pair of non-diagonal entries.
# * the `SDP` argument will do the same as `Symmetric` but in addition it will specify that the variables created belongs to the SDP cone in the `varCones` field of the model.
# Moreover, if a Cont, Int, Bin, SemiCont or SemiInt is passed in `extra`, it will alter what is passed with the keyword `category`.
# * The keyword arguments start, objective, inconstraints, coefficients, basename, lowerbound, upperbound, category may not be passed as is to
# `constructvariable!` since they may be altered by the parsing of `expr` and we may need to pass it pointwise if it is a container since
# `constructvariable!` is called separately for each variable of the container. Moreover it will be passed as positional argument to `constructvariable!`.
# If `objective`, `inconstraints` and `coefficients` are not present, they won't be passed as positional argument but for the other five arguments,
# default values are passed when they are not present.
# * A custom error function is passed as positional argument to print the full @variable call before the error message.
# Examples (... is the custom error function):
# * `@variable(m, x >= 0)` is equivalent to `x = constructvariable!(m, msg -> error("In @variable(m, x >= 0): ", msg), 0, Inf, :Cont, "x", NaN)
# * `@variable(m, x[1:N,1:N], Symmetric, Poly(X))` is equivalent to
# ```
# x = Matrix{...}(N, N)
# for i in 1:N
# for j in 1:N
# x[i,j] = x[j,i] = constructvariable!(m, Poly(X), msg -> error("In @variable(m, x[1:N,1:N], Symmetric, Poly(X)): ", msg), -Inf, Inf, :Cont, "", NaN)
# end
# end
# ```
macro variable(args...)
_error(str) = variable_error(args, str)

m = esc(args[1])

extra = vcat(args[2:end]...)
Expand All @@ -832,12 +883,12 @@ macro variable(args...)
x = shift!(extra)
if x in [:Cont,:Int,:Bin,:SemiCont,:SemiInt,:SDP]
variable_error(args, "Ambiguous variable name $x detected. Use the \"category\" keyword argument to specify a category for an anonymous variable.")
_error("Ambiguous variable name $x detected. Use the \"category\" keyword argument to specify a category for an anonymous variable.")
anon_singleton = false

t = quot(:Cont)
t = quot(:Default)
gottype = false
haslb = false
hasub = false
Expand All @@ -850,19 +901,19 @@ macro variable(args...)
hasub = true
if x.args[2] == :>= || x.args[2] == :
# ub >= x >= lb
x.args[4] == :>= || x.args[4] == : || variable_error(args, "Invalid variable bounds")
x.args[4] == :>= || x.args[4] == : || _error("Invalid variable bounds")
var = x.args[3]
lb = esc_nonconstant(x.args[5])
ub = esc_nonconstant(x.args[1])
elseif x.args[2] == :<= || x.args[2] == :
# lb <= x <= u
var = x.args[3]
(x.args[4] != :<= && x.args[4] != :) &&
variable_error(args, "Expected <= operator after variable name.")
_error("Expected <= operator after variable name.")
lb = esc_nonconstant(x.args[1])
ub = esc_nonconstant(x.args[5])
variable_error(args, "Use the form lb <= ... <= ub.")
_error("Use the form lb <= ... <= ub.")
elseif isexpr(x,:call)
explicit_comparison = true
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -894,7 +945,7 @@ macro variable(args...)
t = quot(:Fixed)
# Its a comparsion, but not using <= ... <=
variable_error(args, "Unexpected syntax $(string(x)).")
_error("Unexpected syntax $(string(x)).")
# No bounds provided - free variable
Expand All @@ -919,6 +970,7 @@ macro variable(args...)
obj = nothing
inconstraints = nothing
coefficients = nothing
extra_kwargs = []
for ex in kwargs
kwarg = ex.args[1]
if kwarg == :start
Expand All @@ -932,58 +984,60 @@ macro variable(args...)
elseif kwarg == :basename
quotvarname = esc(ex.args[2])
elseif kwarg == :lowerbound
haslb && variable_error(args, "Cannot specify variable lowerbound twice")
haslb && _error("Cannot specify variable lowerbound twice")
lb = esc_nonconstant(ex.args[2])
haslb = true
elseif kwarg == :upperbound
hasub && variable_error(args, "Cannot specify variable upperbound twice")
hasub && _error("Cannot specify variable upperbound twice")
ub = esc_nonconstant(ex.args[2])
hasub = true
elseif kwarg == :category
(t == quot(:Fixed)) && variable_error(args, "Unexpected extra arguments when declaring a fixed variable")
(t == quot(:Fixed)) && _error("Unexpected extra arguments when declaring a fixed variable")
t = esc_nonconstant(ex.args[2])
gottype = true
variable_error(args, "Unrecognized keyword argument $kwarg")
push!(extra_kwargs, ex)

if (obj !== nothing || inconstraints !== nothing || coefficients !== nothing) &&
(obj === nothing || inconstraints === nothing || coefficients === nothing)
variable_error(args, "Must provide 'objective', 'inconstraints', and 'coefficients' arguments all together for column-wise modeling")
_error("Must provide 'objective', 'inconstraints', and 'coefficients' arguments all together for column-wise modeling")

sdp = any(t -> (t == :SDP), extra)
symmetric = (sdp || any(t -> (t == :Symmetric), extra))
extra = filter(x -> (x != :SDP && x != :Symmetric), extra) # filter out SDP and sym tag

# Determine variable type (if present).
# Types: default is continuous (reals)
if length(extra) > 0
gottype && variable_error(args, "Variable category specified more than once")
if extra[1] in [:Bin, :Int, :SemiCont, :SemiInt]
gottype = true
t = quot(extra[1])
for ex in extra
if ex in var_cats
if t != quot(:Default) && t != quot(ex)
_error("A variable cannot be both of category $cat and $category. Please specify only one category.")
t = quot(ex)

!gottype && variable_error(args, "Syntax error")
extra = esc.(filter(ex -> !(ex in var_cats), extra))

# Handle the column generation functionality
if coefficients !== nothing
!isa(var,Symbol) &&
variable_error(args, "Can only create one variable at a time when adding to existing constraints.")
_error("Can only create one variable at a time when adding to existing constraints.")

variablecall = :( constructvariable!($m, $(extra...), $_error, $lb, $ub, $t, $obj, $inconstraints, $coefficients, string($quotvarname), $value) )
addkwargs!(variablecall, extra_kwargs)
return assert_validmodel(m, quote
$variable = Variable($m,$lb,$ub,$t,$obj,$inconstraints,$coefficients,string($quotvarname),$value)
$variable = $variablecall
$(anonvar ? variable : :($escvarname = $variable))

if isa(var,Symbol)
# Easy case - a single variable
sdp && variable_error(args, "Cannot add a semidefinite scalar variable")
code = :($variable = Variable($m,$lb,$ub,$t,string($quotvarname),$value))
sdp && _error("Cannot add a semidefinite scalar variable")
variablecall = :( constructvariable!($m, $(extra...), $_error, $lb, $ub, $t, string($quotvarname), $value) )
addkwargs!(variablecall, extra_kwargs)
code = :($variable = $variablecall)
if !anonvar
code = quote
Expand All @@ -993,39 +1047,45 @@ macro variable(args...)
return assert_validmodel(m, code)
isa(var,Expr) || variable_error(args, "Expected $var to be a variable name")
isa(var,Expr) || _error("Expected $var to be a variable name")

# We now build the code to generate the variables (and possibly the JuMPDict
# to contain them)
refcall, idxvars, idxsets, idxpairs, condition = buildrefsets(var, variable)
clear_dependencies(i) = (isdependent(idxvars,idxsets[i],i) ? () : idxsets[i])

code = :( $(refcall) = Variable($m, $lb, $ub, $t, EMPTYSTRING, $value) )
# Code to be used to create each variable of the container.
variablecall = :( constructvariable!($m, $(extra...), $_error, $lb, $ub, $t, EMPTYSTRING, $value) )
addkwargs!(variablecall, extra_kwargs)
code = :( $(refcall) = $variablecall )
# Determine the return type of constructvariable!. This is needed to create the container holding them.
vartype = :( variabletype($m, $(extra...)) )

if symmetric
# Sanity checks on SDP input stuff
condition == :() ||
variable_error(args, "Cannot have conditional indexing for SDP variables")
_error("Cannot have conditional indexing for SDP variables")
length(idxvars) == length(idxsets) == 2 ||
variable_error(args, "SDP variables must be 2-dimensional")
_error("SDP variables must be 2-dimensional")
!symmetric || (length(idxvars) == length(idxsets) == 2) ||
variable_error(args, "Symmetric variables must be 2-dimensional")
_error("Symmetric variables must be 2-dimensional")
hasdependentsets(idxvars, idxsets) &&
variable_error(args, "Cannot have index dependencies in symmetric variables")
_error("Cannot have index dependencies in symmetric variables")
for _rng in idxsets
isexpr(_rng, :escape) ||
variable_error(args, "Internal error 1")
_error("Internal error 1")
rng = _rng.args[1] # undo escaping
(isexpr(rng,:(:)) && rng.args[1] == 1 && length(rng.args) == 2) ||
variable_error(args, "Index sets for SDP variables must be ranges of the form 1:N")
_error("Index sets for SDP variables must be ranges of the form 1:N")

if !(lb == -Inf && ub == Inf)
variable_error(args, "Semidefinite or symmetric variables cannot be provided bounds")
_error("Semidefinite or symmetric variables cannot be provided bounds")
return assert_validmodel(m, quote
$(esc(idxsets[1].args[1].args[2])) == $(esc(idxsets[2].args[1].args[2])) || error("Cannot construct symmetric variables with nonsquare dimensions")
(issymmetric($lb) && issymmetric($ub)) || error("Bounds on symmetric variables must be symmetric")
$(getloopedcode(variable, code, condition, idxvars, idxsets, idxpairs, :Variable; lowertri=symmetric))
$(getloopedcode(variable, code, condition, idxvars, idxsets, idxpairs, vartype; lowertri=symmetric))
$(if sdp
push!($(m).varCones, (:SDP, first($variable).col : last($variable).col))
Expand All @@ -1042,7 +1102,7 @@ macro variable(args...)
coloncheckcode = Expr(:call,:coloncheck,refcall.args[2:end]...)
code = :($coloncheckcode; $code)
return assert_validmodel(m, quote
$(getloopedcode(variable, code, condition, idxvars, idxsets, idxpairs, :Variable))
$(getloopedcode(variable, code, condition, idxvars, idxsets, idxpairs, vartype))
isa($variable, JuMPContainer) && pushmeta!($variable, :model, $m)
push!($(m).dictList, $variable)
!$anonvar && registervar($m, $quotvarname, $variable)
Expand Down
35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions test/macros.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,15 @@ const sub2 = JuMP.repl[:sub2]

immutable __Cone__ end

type MyVariable

@testset "Macros" begin

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -763,4 +772,30 @@ immutable __Cone__ end
@test getlowerbound(z) == 0
@test getupperbound(z) == 1

@testset "Extension of @variable with constructvariable! #1029" begin
JuMP.variabletype(m::Model, ::Type{MyVariable}) = MyVariable
function JuMP.constructvariable!(m::Model, ::Type{MyVariable}, _error::Function, lowerbound::Number, upperbound::Number, category::Symbol, basename::AbstractString, start::Number; test_kw::Int = 0)
MyVariable(lowerbound, upperbound, category, basename, start, test_kw)
m = Model()
@variable(m, 1 <= x <= 2, MyVariable, category = :Bin, test_kw = 1, start = 3)
@test isa(x, MyVariable)
@test x.lowerbound == 1
@test x.upperbound == 2
@test x.category == :Bin
@test x.basename == "x"
@test x.start == 3
@test x.test_kw == 1
@variable(m, y[1:3] >= 0, MyVariable, test_kw = 2)
@test isa(y, Vector{MyVariable})
for i in 1:3
@test y[i].lowerbound == 0
@test y[i].upperbound == Inf
@test y[i].category == :Default
@test isempty(y[i].basename)
@test isnan(y[i].start)
@test y[i].test_kw == 2

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