A simple micro benchmark helper for measuring throughput and latency of operations using HDR histogram.
This project is very much a work in progress.
(require '[microbe.core :as mcb :refer [<>]])
;;; Reports throughput and latency metrics while evaluating the forms every 1 second
{:interval 1 :output-dir "result" :title "Sleep Benchmark"}
(dotimes [i 10000]
;; Wrap unit operation to measure with <> function
(<> (Thread/sleep (rand-int 10)))))
returns the summary of the run as a map- The metrics during the run will be stored as a CSV file in
. Ifgnuplot
executable is available on the system, throughput/latency plot will also be generated as a SVG file in that directory.
{:interval 5
:logger microbe.core/console-logger
:title "Benchmark Result"
:width 1000
:height 700
:output-dir "result"}
namespace provides a few functions that are useful for micro
(require '[microbe.util :as util])
;;; Generates random base62 string of length 100.
(util/rand-str 100)
;;; `ticker` returns a lazy sequence that outputs numeric integers
;;; in increasing order in the given frequency.
;;; The following code will take at least 10 seconds to finish.
(doseq [_ (take 10000 (util/ticker 1000))]
(do 'something))
;;; Evaluates the forms with a thread pool
(util/with-thread-pool [idx 100 :threads 10]
(println (str "(" idx ")")))
(util/with-thread-pool [item (range 100) :threads 10]
(println (str "(" item ")")))
(util/with-thread-pool [item (range 100) :threads 10 :frequency 100]
(println (str "(" item ")")))
(util/with-thread-pool [item (range 100) :threads 10 :frequency 10 :duration 3]
(println (str "(" item ")")))
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2019 Junegunn Choi