This repository implements the Minecraft domain and the method presented in the following paper (Project website):
- Junhyuk Oh, Valliappa Chockalingam, Satinder Singh, Honglak Lee, "Control of Memory, Active Perception, and Action in Minecraft" Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2016.
title={Control of Memory, Active Perception, and Action in Minecraft},
author={Junhyuk Oh and Valliappa Chockalingam and Satinder P. Singh and Honglak Lee},
- JRE or JDK:
- Torch7:
- Additional lua packages
- luasocket (
luarocks install luasocket
) - fbpython (optional for top-down-view image):
- Tasks and maps need to be decompressed as follows.
cd environment/Forge/eclipse/
tar -zxvf tasks.tar.gz
The following command creates a minecraft instance.
You should run a minecraft instance for each task. For example, the training script on random mazes (train_maze
) requires 3 mincraft instances for training maps, unseen maps, and larger maps. If you are interested in building your own tasks, please refer to this link for more details of the environment and the data structure.
The following scripts are provided for reproducing the main result of the paper:
./train_imaze [arch_name] [gpu] : train [arch_name] on I-Maze task.
./train_matching [arch_name] [gpu] : train [arch_name] on Pattern Matching task.
./train_maze [task] [arch_name] [gpu] : train [arch_name] on random mazes.
[arch_name]: [dqn | drqn | mqn | rmqn | frmqn]
[task]: [Single | Seq | SingleIndicator | SeqIndicator]
The full description of train.lua
-framework name of training framework [environment.mcwrap]
-env task name for training []
-test_env task names for testing (comma-separated) []
-test_hist_len history length for testing [30]
-env_params string of environment parameters []
-actrep how many times to repeat action [1]
-save_name filename used for saving network and training history []
-network name of architecture or the filename of pretrained model []
-agent name of agent file to use [NeuralQLearner]
-agent_params string of agent parameters []
-seed random seed [1]
-saveNetworkParams saves the parameter in a separate file [true]
-save_freq the model is saved every save_freq steps [100000]
-eval_freq frequency of greedy evaluation [100000]
-eval_steps number of evaluation steps [10000]
-steps number of training steps [15000000]
-verbose the level of debug prints [2]
-threads number of BLAS threads [4]
-gpu gpu id [-1]
-port port number for minecraft: search over [30000,30100] if 0 [0]
./test [task] [network_file] [gpu] ...
- Options
: display the first-person-view of the agent.-top_down_view
: display with top-down-view (fbpython is needed).-video [folder]
: save game play images into [folder].
The full description of test.lua
-framework name of training framework [environment.mcwrap]
-env task name for testing []
-network pretrained network file []
-param initilaize to the pretrained parameter if specified []
-agent name of agent file to use [NeuralQLearner]
-agent_params string of agent parameters []
-threads number of BLAS threads [1]
-best use best model [1]
-port port number for minecraft: search over [30000,30100] if 0 [0]
-num_play number of plays [30]
-img_size screen size [300]
-display display screen [false]
-top_down display top-down view [false]
-gpu gpu id [-1]
-video save video/images to the specified folder []
- The Minecraft instance does not display anything, because we turned off Minecraft display for efficient computation. You can see the game play only through the test script.