This repository contains an Ansible playbook for launching assets to *
Single tmpnb setup is currently:
- nginx on one server for SSL termination, has a DNS record associated
- tmpnb on another server
Outside of those, we use the tmpnb-redirector to redirect to these nodes.
This is also set up for our own use, which means it may not work well for your own deployment (until we abstract it a bit further).
pip install rackpacesdk rackspace-monitoring
source ./novarc
./script/new-instance <N>
This will:
- allocate new servers (./script/
- add them to the redirector (./script/add-redirect)
- deploy tmpnb (./script/deploy)
./script/image-update <N>
The status page daemon for tmpnb availability is run on the tmpnb-status carina cluster.
You will need to get the API key from, and create statuspage-env
eval $(carina env tmpnb-status)
To launch the statuspage daemons.