Python bindings for the SST-DUMPI Trace Library.
Pydumpi is available at PyPi:
pip install pydumpi
Note: The PyPI package contains a prebuilt shared library, this might not work on very old systems, and is linux only. If this does not work for you installing from source is your only option.
Clone this repository and install the package with pip in a virtual environment, e.g:
git clone
cd myproject
source venv/bin/activate
pip install ../pydumpi
The install might take some time - if the dumpi library can not be found on the path it will be downloaded and compiled during the install process. You can also install libundumpi globally, for more information on how to install globally refer to the sst-dumpi repository.
Inherit from DumpiTrace and override the callbacks you are interested in. Every MPI function has an available callback. A complete list can be found in dumpi/
from pydumpi import DumpiTrace
class MyTrace(DumpiTrace):
def __init__(self, file_name):
self.message_count = 0
def on_send(self, data, thread, cpu_time, wall_time, perf_info):
self.message_count += 1
time_diff = wall_time.stop - wall_time.start
print(f"Time elapsed in 'MPI_Send': {time_diff.to_ms()} milliseconds.")
def on_recv(self, data, thread, cpu_time, wall_time, perf_info):
print(f"Message received on thread '{thread}' from thread '{data.source}'.")
with MyTrace("path/to/some/trace.bin") as trace:
Important: Since the C backend frees the data after a callback returns, it is only valid within a callback (including wall and cpu time). If you need to store it perform a deep copy, otherwise you get garbage values.
You can inspect the meta data of a dumpi trace by printing the header and footer. In particular the footer prints a list of all MPI functions that were called during a trace - this information can help guide you in deciding which callbacks need to be overriden for further analysis.
with DumpiTrace("path/to/some/trace.bin") as trace:
There also is a utilty function to read all binary traces in a folder. The function will search for a meta file in a given directory, do some basic sanity checks and return a list with all binary traces.
from pydumpi.util import trace_files_from_dir
for fname in trace_files_from_dir("path/to/data_dir"):