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ProcessWire module to retrieve, parse and display weather data from
- @see: OpenWeatherMap
- @see: OpenWeatherMap-PHP-Api
Get an API Key from
Set this key in module settings.
Temperature is available in Fahrenheit, Celsius and Kelvin units.
- @see: OpenWeatherMap Units
- Temperature in Kelvin is used by default
- For temperature in Fahrenheit use
- For temperature in Celsius use
You can set this value in module settings as well.
Translation is only applied for the "description" field.
OpenWeatherMap supports the following languages:
- Arabic - ar, Bulgarian - bg, Catalan - ca, Czech - cz, German - de, Greek - el, English - en, Persian (Farsi) - fa, Finnish - fi, French - fr, Galician - gl, Croatian - hr, Hungarian - hu, Italian - it, Japanese - ja, Korean - kr, Latvian - la, Lithuanian - lt, Macedonian - mk, Dutch - nl, Polish - pl, Portuguese - pt, Romanian - ro, Russian - ru, Swedish - se, Slovak - sk, Slovenian - sl, Spanish - es, Turkish - tr, Ukrainian - ua, Vietnamese - vi, Chinese Simplified - zh_cn, Chinese Traditional - zh_tw.
- @see: OpenWeatherMap Multilingual support
$weather = $modules->get('OwmWeather')->getWeather('Berlin');
If you do not pass any language code, the language is determined using the user's language.
If it equals 'default' or doesn't match any supported language code, "en" will be used.
You could also pass the desired language as a second argument:
$weather = $modules->get('OwmWeather')->getWeather('Berlin', 'it');
- @see: Example API response
<h3>{{ __('Weather')}}</h3>
<h4>{{}} - {{}}</h4>
<div class="event__weather">
<div class="event__weather--temperature">
{% if file_exists(config.paths.assets ~ 'img/weather/' ~ ~ '.png') %}
<img src="{{config.urls.assets}}img/weather/{{}}.png" alt="{{}}" />
{% else %}
<img src="https:{{}}" alt="{{}}"/> <br />
{% endif %}
<dt>{{ __('Temperature') }} {{ __('now') }}</dt>
<dd class="event__weather--temperature--now">
{% spaceless %}
{% endspaceless %}
<dt>{{ __('Temperature') }} {{ __('min') }}</dt>
<dd class="event__weather--temperature--min">
{% spaceless %}
{% include 'partials/_svg.twig' with {name: 'arrow-min'} %}
{% endspaceless %}
<dt>{{ __('Temperature') }} {{ __('max') }}</dt>
<dd class="event__weather--temperature--max">
{% spaceless %}
{% include 'partials/_svg.twig' with {name: 'arrow-max'} %}
{% endspaceless %}
<dt>{{ __('Humidity') }}</dt>
<dt>{{ __('Air Pressure') }}</dt>
<dt>{{ __('Sunrise') }}</dt>
<dd>{{ weather.sun.rise.format("U")|date('H:i') }} {{ __('o\'clock')}}</dd>
<dt>{{ __('Sunset') }}</dt>
<dd>{{ weather.sun.set.format("U")|date('H:i') }} {{ __('o\'clock')}}</dd>