FORK OF Improved several classes inside to be able to extend it, filter results and use individual classes for generating OAS partials, not the whole document.
Scramble generates API documentation for Laravel project. Without requiring you to manually write PHPDoc annotations. Docs are generated in OpenAPI 3.1.0 format.
Warning Package is in early stage. It means there may be bugs and API is very likely to change. Create an issue if you spot a bug. Ideas are welcome.
You can find full documentation at
The main motto of the project is generating your API documentation without requiring you to annotate your code.
This allows you to focus on code and avoid annotating every possible param/field as it may result in outdated documentation. By generating docs automatically from the code your API will always have up-to-date docs which you can trust.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require dedoc/scramble
After install you will have 2 routes added to your application:
- UI viewer for your documentation/docs/api.json
- Open API document in JSON format describing your API.
By default, these routes are available only in local
environment. You can change this behavior by defining viewApiDocs