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WWW::AUR - API for the Archlinux User Repository website.
The Archlinux User Repository is a relatively simple website that houses user-submitted packages for ArchLinux. These “source packages” merely contain what is required to build the package, unlike Archlinux’s official repository which house binary packages.
The following modules are required for the use of WWW::AUR and friends. I provide this information in case you are wondering about lots of dependencies or maybe you aren’t lucky enough to use a CPAN shell.
Instead of listing each module used, I list each distribution (aka package) that you need to install from CPAN. This makes more sense to me and is more succinct.
- libwww-perl
Logins to the AUR connect using the https port and are encrypted to protect your password and session cookie. In order to use WWW::AUR::Login you will also need the LWP-Protocol-https distribution installed. This brings in its own set of requirements for using SSL connections.
These distributions are included with perl (as of version 5.10) so you probably won’t need to download them:
- Archive-Tar
- Carp
- Fctnl
- File-Path (2.06)
- PathTools (for File::Spec and Cwd)
To install this module follow these steps. If you have already downloaded and extracted the distribution tarball (WWW-AUR-<version>.tar.gz) in order to read this README file skip to step 4.
- Download the distribution tarball from CPAN.
- Extract the tarball.
- cd into the extracted directory (WWW-AUR-<version>)
- Run perl Makefile.PL to create a Makefile
- Run make to build the module using the Makefile
- (Optional) Run make test to run automated self-tests.
- Run make install to install the perl module into a system directory.
curl -O http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/J/JU/JUSTER/WWW-AUR-X.XX.tar.gz tar xf WWW-AUR-X.XX.tar.gz cd WWW-AUR-X.XX perl Makefile.PL make make test sudo make install
Or better yet use a CPAN shell to do it for you! Cpanminus is available on CPAN under the name “App-cpanminus”.
WWW::AUR has two basic purposes:
- Interacting with the AUR webpage (http://aur.archlinux.org)
- Building source packages by calling the makepkg script. (http://www.archlinux.org/pacman/makepkg.8.html)
This module provides an interface for the straight-forward AUR user as well as for package author and trusted user. The (unmet) goal is to be able to do anything with this module that you could with a web browser.
The WWW::AUR::Package module also allows the module user to download and build source packages using makepkg. Installation is left up to the module user and is not implemented in this module.
The automated testing (by using ‘make test’) can only succeed if there is an internet connection available. I suppose the tests would also fail if the AUR website is down…
Justin Davis <juster at cpan dot org>
Send me an e-mail if you have any questions or need help. If you run into any bugs please e-mail any information about them.
Copyright 2014 Justin Davis.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
See http://dev.perl.org/licenses/ for more information.