The Projects have (or to have) a detailed README explaining guidance how to implement
Github Actions: Demonstration of calling wanted service's CI or CD workflow depending on the file changed in the pushed commit.
EKS: Terraform manifests for deploying Kubernetes cluster on AWS.
ELC: Terraform manifests for deploying EC2 instance with ELC on AWS.
- GKE: Terraform manifests for deploying production ready(!!!) Kubernetes cluster on GCP.
helm: Demonstration of microservices structure with parent helm chart and subchart per microservice.
utils: Utils bash file to store functions to be imported in needed files
formatter: Format the repository's code according to my standard
linter: Lint the repository's code to reduce bad code
test_args: Test args function imported from utils
slack_alert: To use on CI/CD to be alerted on certain statuses in slack
tavisod: Python package to simplify fetching a secret from google's secret manager
google_sql_migrator: Tool to migrate data between Google Cloud SQL instances.
BookishSWAdventure (WIP)
MarketWatcher (My favorite)