A Flarum extension. RawG Api for Videogames, Retrieve game ratings, image, description, genres and metacritic score directly from your discussion title, and display a custom page with all new and upcoming videogames.
Make sure that the title of your discussion contain ONLY the videogame name (e.g. Call of duty modern warfare) that exist into rawg database, otherwise the extension will show a normal discussion without game details.
Example of discussions title:
- Far Cry 6 => accepted
- Far Cry 6 is a good game => not accepted
- Show live response in DiscussionComposer, meanwhile you write a title you can know if exist as a game.
- Shows an additional gallery of screenshoot or Video clip under the first post of a game.
- let admin to choose only one tag where this extension should retrieve information (e.g. only in "Game" tag)
Install with composer:
composer require justoverclock/igdb-api:"*"
composer update justoverclock/igdb-api:"*"
php flarum cache:clear