A stab at recreating the classic game. Goal is to apply certain (coding) techniques for learning purposes.
The game is deployed using GitHub Pages: Play it now!
Please use the issue tracker to submit new issues or enhancements. I will try to look at it regularly and make sure to reply and update the game if I feel the issues or enhancements are relevant!
Install dependencies:
npm install
Start local server (can take a bit of time when doing this for the first time):
npm start
Point your favorite browser to http://localhost:1234
and enjoy the game.
The assets required for the game are created using Sketch and are made production-ready with TexturePacker. Using TexturePacker it is easy to create optimal spritesheets for your game.
Module bundling is done with the zero config tool Parcel. You just have to point it to the index.html that you have, and it will resolve all dependencies by itself, creating a single bundle with sourcemaps.
The source code uses Phaser 3 (game framework). State management is done using Redux, and is extended with redux-loop.