Terraform code for BCN Tech Talks Meetup 4-10-2018 Jacob Verhoeks jjverhoeks@edrans.com
This is an example repository to run a ECS Fargate Service managed by terraform
First time initialisation of the terraform state
terraform init
View the changes and applies after manual confirmation
terraform apply
Remove all configuration for AWS
terraform destroy
Configuration Changes can be done in variables.tf
variable "ecs_cluster_name" {
description = "Name of the cluster to create"
default = "demo"
variable "ecr_repository_name" {
descrioption = "Name of the Repository to create"
default = "demo"
variable "ecs_task" {
description = "Configuration for the task"
default = {
cluster = "demo"
service = "demo"
family = "demo"
cpu = "256"
memory = "512"
desired_count = "0"
host_port = 8080
container_port = 8080
After the infrastructure is create it needs a docker image to load. Until this is done the task will keeps failing.
Go to the Docker-web directory and read the README.md It requires some manual changes of the repository url. Terraform shows this from the output: ecr_url