- Python 3.6
- pytorch 1.9.0
- torchvision 0.9.0
- tensorflow 1.15.0
- Keras 2.3.1
- numpy 1.15.4
- scipy 1.1.0
- scikit-learn 0.19.1
- sklearn 0.19.1
- annoy 1.17.0
- h5py 2.10.0
conda create -n gnn python=3.6
bash install_env.sh
1. Get Dataset:
You can download ISRUC-Sleep-S3 dataset by the following url http://dataset.isr.uc.pt/ISRUC_Sleep/subgroupIII put all data in "./data/ISRUC_S3/RawData"
http://dataset.isr.uc.pt/ISRUC_Sleep/ExtractedChannels/subgroupIII-Extractedchannels put all data in "./data/ISRUC_S3/ExtractedChannels"
2. Data preparation:
To facilitate reading, we preprocess the dataset into a single .npz file:
python preprocess.py
In addition, distance based adjacency matrix is provided at
. -
3. Configurations of feature extraction module:
Write the config file in the format of the example.
We provide a config file at
4. Prepare feature extraction module:
python train_FeatureNet.py
with -c and -g parameters. After this step, the features learned by a feature net will be stored.- -c: The configuration file.
- -g: The number of the GPU to use. E.g.,
. Set this to-1
if only CPU is used.
python train_FeatureNet.py -c ./config/ISRUC.config -g 0
5. Experiment:
Get back to thr Root folder. Run
python gnn_experiment.py
In this command, 3 arguments can be changed.-
--model: which GNN model you use. Currently supports sage, gat and gcn.
--case_name: which connective function you use. Currently supports distance, knn, pcc and plv.
--data_dir: which dir to save experiment logs, model and temporary files.
single machine experiment:
python gnn_experiment.py --model gat --case_name knn --data_dir ./result/ISRUC_S3_knn/ python gnn_experiment.py --model gat --case_name plv --data_dir ./result/ISRUC_S3_plv/ python gnn_experiment.py --model gat --case_name distance --data_dir ./result/ISRUC_S3_distance/ python gnn_experiment.py --model gat --case_name pcc --data_dir ./result/ISRUC_S3_distance/
multiple machines experiment:
python fed_experiment.py --model gat --case_name knn --data_dir ./result/ISRUC_S3_knn python fed_experiment.py --model gat --case_name plv --data_dir ./result/ISRUC_S3_plv python fed_experiment.py --model gat --case_name distance --data_dir ./result/ISRUC_S3_distance python fed_experiment.py --model gat --case_name pcc --data_dir ./result/ISRUC_S3_pcc
Summary of commands to run:
./get_ISRUC_S3.sh python preprocess.py python train_FeatureNet.py -c ./config/ISRUC.config -g 0 python fed_experiment.py --model gat --case_name knn --data_dir ./result/ISRUC_S3_knn