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190 changes: 113 additions & 77 deletions src/MPIQR.jl
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Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ module MPIQR

using LinearAlgebra, Base.Threads, Base.Iterators, Combinatorics
using MPI, MPIClusterManagers, ProgressMeter
using LinearAlgebra.BLAS

alphafactor(x::Real) = -sign(x)
alphafactor(x::Complex) = -exp(im * angle(x))
Expand All @@ -19,12 +20,17 @@ struct MPIQRMatrix{T,M<:AbstractMatrix{T}} <: AbstractMatrix{T}

function validblocksizes(numcols::Integer, commsize::Integer)::Vector{Int}
iszero(n ÷ c) || return [0]
iszero(numcols ÷ commsize) || return [0]
return findall(iszero(numcols % i) for i in 1:(numcols ÷ commsize))

function localcolumns(rnk, n, blocksize, commsize)
return vcat(collect(partition(collect(1:n), blocksize))[rnk + 1:commsize:end]...)
output = vcat(collect(partition(collect(1:n), blocksize))[rnk + 1:commsize:end]...)
@assert length(output) > 0 (rnk, n, blocksize, commsize)
@assert minimum(output) >= 1
@assert maximum(output) <= n
@assert issorted(output)
return output
localcolumns(A::MPIQRMatrix) = A.localcolumns
localmatrix(A::MPIQRMatrix) = A.localmatrix
Expand All @@ -37,33 +43,44 @@ function MPIQRMatrix(localmatrix::AbstractMatrix, globalsize; blocksize=1, comm
m, n = globalsize
@assert mod(n, blocksize) == 0
localcols = localcolumns(rnk, n, blocksize, commsize)
@assert length(localcols) > 0
@assert minimum(localcols) >= 1
@assert maximum(localcols) <= n
@assert issorted(localcols)
colsets = Vector{Set{Int}}()
for r in 0:commsize-1
push!(colsets, Set(localcolumns(r, n, blocksize, commsize)))
@assert size(localmatrix, 2) == length(localcols)
if size(localmatrix, 2) != length(localcols)
"This rank's matrix must have the right number of local columns"))

lookupop(j) = (x = searchsortedfirst(localcols, j); isnothing(x) ? 0 : x)
columnlookup = Vector{Int}([lookupop(j) for j in 1:n])
@assert minimum(columnlookup) >= 0
@assert maximum(columnlookup) <= n
return MPIQRMatrix(localmatrix, globalsize, localcols, columnlookup, colsets, blocksize, rnk, comm, commsize)
columnowner(A::MPIQRMatrix, j) = findfirst(in(j, s) for s in A.colsets) - 1

function columnowner(A::MPIQRMatrix, j)::Int
for (i, cols) in enumerate(A.colsets)
in(j, cols) && return i - 1
@assert false "Shouldn't be able to get here"
return -1

Base.size(A::MPIQRMatrix) = A.globalsize
Base.getindex(A::MPIQRMatrix, i, j) = A.localmatrix[i, localcolindex(A, j)]

function Base.setindex!(A::MPIQRMatrix, v::Number, i, j)
return A.localmatrix[i, localcolindex(A, j)] = v
function Base.:*(A::MPIQRMatrix{T}, x::AbstractVector{U}) where {T,U}
y = A.localmatrix * x[A.localcolumns]
return MPI.Allreduce(y, +, A.comm)

# define these for dispatch purposes
Base.:*(A::MPIQRMatrix{T,M}, x::AbstractVector) where {T,M} = _mul(A, x)
Base.:*(A::MPIQRMatrix{T,M}, x::AbstractMatrix) where {T,M} = _mul(A, x)
function _mul(A::MPIQR.MPIQRMatrix, x)
y = A.localmatrix * x[A.localcolumns, :] # can't use views for gpus
MPI.Allreduce!(y, +, A.comm)
return y

localsize(A::MPIQRMatrix, dim=nothing) = size(A.localmatrix, dim)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -95,6 +112,7 @@ end
Base.first(cii::ColumnIntersectionIterator) = cii.localcolumns[first(cii.indices)]
Base.last(cii::ColumnIntersectionIterator) = cii.localcolumns[last(cii.indices)]
Base.length(cii::ColumnIntersectionIterator) = length(cii.indices)
Base.view(cii::ColumnIntersectionIterator) = view(cii.localcolumns, cii.indices)

function Base.intersect(A::MPIQRMatrix, cols)
indexa = searchsortedfirst(A.localcolumns, first(cols))
Expand All @@ -106,8 +124,11 @@ function Base.intersect(A::MPIQRMatrix, cols)
return output

const IsBitsUnion = Union{Float32, Float64, ComplexF32, ComplexF64,
Vector{Float32}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{ComplexF32}, Vector{ComplexF64}}
function Base.view(H::MPIQRMatrix, is, js)
lja = localcolindex(H, first(js))
ljz = localcolindex(H, last(js))
return view(H.localmatrix, is, lja:ljz)

function hotloopviews(H::MPIQRMatrix, Hj::AbstractMatrix, Hr, y, j, ja, jz, m, n,
js = intersect(H, ja:jz))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -148,17 +169,18 @@ columns of Hj. This function calculates the combinations of these dot products.
function unrecursedcoeffs(N, A)
A >= N && return Any[(N, N)]
output = Any[(A, N)]
function unrecursedcoeffs(N::Int, A::Int)
A >= N && return [[N, N]]
output = [[A, N]]
for i in 1:N-1, c in combinations(A+1:N-1, i)
push!(output, (A, c..., N))
push!(output, [A, c..., N])
return reverse(output)
return output

recurse!(H::AbstractMatrix,Hj::AbstractArray{T},Hr,y) where {T<:IsBitsUnion}
recurse!(H::AbstractMatrix,Hj::AbstractArray{T},Hr,y) where {T}

In stead of applying the columns of `Hj` to H` sequentially, it is better to
calculate the effective recursive action of `Hj` on `H` and store that in `Hr`
Expand All @@ -175,82 +197,94 @@ such that `Hr` can be applied to `H` in one big gemm call.
function recurse!(H::AbstractMatrix, Hj::AbstractArray{T}, Hr, y) where {T<:IsBitsUnion}
dots = zeros(T, size(Hj, 2), size(Hj, 2)) # faster than a dict
@views @inbounds for i in 1:size(Hj, 2), j in 1:i
dots[i, j] = dot(Hj[:, i], Hj[:, j])
function recurse!(H, Hj, Hr, y)
T = promote_type(eltype(H), eltype(Hj))
dots = similar(H, size(Hj, 2), size(Hj, 2)) # faster than a dict
mul!(dots, Hj', Hj, true, false)
dots = Matrix(dots) # a no-op in CPU code

BLAS.gemm!('C', 'N', true, H, Hj, false, y)
# gemm!('C', 'N', true, H, Hj, false, y)
mul!(y, H', Hj, true, false)

copyto!(Hr, Hj)

# this is complicated, I know, but the tests pass!
# It's easier to verify by deploying this logic with symbolic quantities
# and viewing the output
@views @inbounds for ii in 0:size(Hj, 2) - 1
for i in ii + 1:size(Hj, 2) - 1
for urc in unrecursedcoeffs(i, ii)
factor = one(T)
@views @inbounds for ii in 1:size(Hj, 2)
for i in ii + 1:size(Hj, 2)
summand = zero(T)
for urc in unrecursedcoeffs(i - 1, ii - 1)
factor = -one(T) * (-1)^length(urc)
@inbounds for j in 2:length(urc)
factor *= dots[urc[j] + 1, urc[j-1] + 1]
BLAS.axpy!(-(-1)^length(urc) * factor, view(Hj, :, i + 1), view(Hr, :, ii + 1))
summand += factor
axpy!(summand, view(Hj, :, i), view(Hr, :, ii))

function hotloop!(H::AbstractMatrix, Hj::AbstractArray{T}, Hr, y) where {T<:IsBitsUnion}
function hotloop!(H::AbstractMatrix, Hj::AbstractArray{T}, Hr, y) where {T}

recurse!(H, Hj, Hr, y)

BLAS.gemm!('N', 'C', -one(T), Hr, y, true, H) # H .-= Hj * y'
# BLAS.gemm!('N', 'C', -one(T), Hr, y, true, H) # H .-= Hj * y'
mul!(H, Hr, y', -1, true)

return nothing

function householder!(H::MPIQRMatrix{T}, α=zeros(T, size(H, 2)); verbose=false,
progress=FakeProgress()) where T
function norm_bcast(x::AbstractArray)
return sqrt(reduce(+, Base.Broadcast.Broadcasted(
z->real(z) * real(z) + imag(z) * imag(z), (x,));
init=zero(real(eltype(x))) ))

function householder!(H::MPIQRMatrix{T,M}, α=similar(H.localmatrix, size(H, 2));
verbose=false, progress=FakeProgress()) where {T,M}
m, n = size(H)
@assert m >= n
bs = blocksize(H) # the blocksize / tilesize of contiguous columns on each rank
Hj = zeros(T, m, bs) # the H column(s)
Hr = zeros(T, m, bs) # the H column(s)
Hjcopy = bs > 1 ? zeros(T, m) : Hj # copy of the H column(s)
Hj = similar(H.localmatrix, m, bs) # the H column(s)
Hr = similar(H.localmatrix, m, bs) # the H column(s)
t1 = t2 = t3 = t4 = t5 = 0.0
# work array for the BLAS call
y = zeros(eltype(H), localcolsize(H, 1:n), bs)
y = similar(H.localmatrix, localcolsize(H, 1:n), bs)

# send the first column(s) of H to Hj on all ranks
j = 1
src = columnowner(H, j)
if H.rank == src
@views copyto!(Hj[j:m, :], H[j:m, j:j - 1 + bs])
copyto!(view(Hj, j:m, :), view(H, j:m, j:j - 1 + bs))
MPI.Bcast!(view(Hj, j:m, :), H.comm; root=src)

tmp = zeros(T, m * bs)
@inbounds @views for j in 1:bs:n
tmp = similar(H.localmatrix, m * bs)
@inbounds for j in 1:bs:n
colowner = columnowner(H, j)

# process all the first bs column(s) of H
@inbounds for Δj in 0:bs-1
t1 += @elapsed @views begin
s = norm(Hj[j + Δj:m, 1 + Δj])
α[j + Δj] = s * alphafactor(Hj[j + Δj, 1 + Δj])
f = 1 / sqrt(s * (s + abs(Hj[j + Δj, 1 + Δj])))
Hj[j:j + Δj - 1, 1 + Δj] .= 0
Hj[j + Δj, 1 + Δj] -= α[j + Δj]
Hj[j + Δj:m, 1 + Δj] .*= f
t1 += @elapsed begin
jj = j + Δj
#s = norm(view(Hj, jj:m, 1 + Δj))
viewHj = view(Hj, jj:m, 1 + Δj)
#s = norm_bcast(viewHj)
s = sqrt(real(dot(viewHj, viewHj)))
view(α, jj) .= s .* alphafactor.(view(Hj, jj, 1 + Δj))
f = 1 / sqrt(s * (s + abs(sum(view(Hj, jj, 1 + Δj)))))
view(Hj, j:jj - 1, 1 + Δj) .= 0
view(Hj, jj, 1 + Δj) .-= view(α, jj)
view(Hj, jj:m, 1 + Δj) .*= f

t2 += @elapsed bs > 1 && copyto!(view(Hjcopy, j+Δj:m, 1), view(Hj, j+Δj:m, 1 + Δj)) # prevent data race
t3 += @elapsed hotloop!(view(Hj, j+Δj:m, 1 + Δj:bs), view(Hjcopy, j+Δj:m, 1), view(Hr, j+Δj:m, 1), view(y, 1 + Δj:bs))
t3 += @elapsed hotloop!(view(Hj, j+Δj:m, 1 + Δj:bs), view(Hj, j+Δj:m, 1+Δj), view(Hr, j+Δj:m, 1), view(y, 1 + Δj:bs))

t2 += @elapsed if H.rank == colowner
@views copyto!(H[j + Δj:m, j + Δj:j-1+bs], Hj[j + Δj:m, 1 + Δj:bs])
copyto!(view(H, j + Δj:m, j + Δj:j-1+bs), view(Hj, j + Δj:m, 1 + Δj:bs))

Expand All @@ -263,10 +297,7 @@ function householder!(H::MPIQRMatrix{T}, α=zeros(T, size(H, 2)); verbose=false,
src = columnowner(H, j + bs)
reqs = Vector{MPI.Request}()
if H.rank == src
k = 0
for (cj, jj) in enumerate(j + bs:j - 1 + 2bs), (ci, ii) in enumerate(j+bs:m)
@inbounds tmp[k+=1] = H[ii, jj]
@inbounds tmp .= reshape(view(H, j+bs:m, j+bs:j-1+2bs), (m-j-bs+1) * bs)
for r in filter(!=(src), 0:H.commsize-1)
push!(reqs, MPI.Isend(tmp, H.comm; dest=r, tag=j + bs))
Expand All @@ -288,59 +319,64 @@ function householder!(H::MPIQRMatrix{T}, α=zeros(T, size(H, 2)); verbose=false,
ts = (t1, t2, t3, t4, t5)
verbose && H.rank == 0 && @show (ts ./ sum(ts)..., sum(ts))
verbose && @show ts
return MPIQRStruct(H, α)

function solve_householder!(b, H, α; progress=FakeProgress(), verbose=false)
m, n = size(H)
bs = blocksize(H)
# multuply by Q' ...
b1 = zeros(eltype(b), length(b))
b2 = zeros(eltype(b), length(b))
b1 = similar(b, size(b))
s = similar(b, (1, size(b, 2)))
ta = tb = tc = td = te = 0.0
@inbounds @views for j in 1:bs:n
b1[j:m] .= 0
@inbounds for j in 1:bs:n
tb += @elapsed b1[j:m, :] .= 0
blockrank = columnowner(H, j)
if H.rank == blockrank
for jj in 0:bs-1
@assert columnowner(H, j) == blockrank
ta += @elapsed s = dot(H[j+jj:m, j+jj], b[j+jj:m])
tb += @elapsed b2[j+jj:m] .= H[j+jj:m, j+jj] .* s
tb += @elapsed b[j+jj:m] .-= b2[j+jj:m]
tb += @elapsed b1[j+jj:m] .+= b2[j+jj:m]
ta += @elapsed s .= view(H, j+jj:m, j+jj)' * view(b, j+jj:m, :)
tb += @elapsed view(b, j+jj:m, :) .-= view(H, j+jj:m, j+jj) * s
tb += @elapsed view(b1, j+jj:m, :) .+= view(H, j+jj:m, j+jj) * s
#tc += @elapsed MPI.Allreduce!(view(b1, j:m, :), +, H.comm)
tc += @elapsed MPI.Allreduce!(b1, +, H.comm)
if H.rank != blockrank
b[j:m] .-= b1[j:m]
tb += @elapsed b[j:m, :] .-= view(b1, j:m, :)
b1[j:j+bs-1] .= 0
# now that b holds the value of Q'b
# we may back sub with R
@inbounds @views for i in n:-1:1
bi = zero(eltype(b))
td += @elapsed @inbounds for j in intersect(H, i+1:n)
bi += H[i, j] * b[j]
jitervec = Vector{Int}(undef, localsize(H, 2))
td += @elapsed view(b, n, :) ./= view(α, n) # not iterating from n, but n-1
bi = similar(b, (1, size(b, 2)))
@inbounds for i in n-1:-1:1# can't assume @views with CuArray
bi .= 0
td += @elapsed jiter = intersect(H, i+1:n)
td += @elapsed @inbounds if !isempty(jiter)
jview = view(jiter)
if !isempty(jitervec)
# can't do transpose(view)
bi .+= sum(H[i, jview] .* b[jview, :], dims=1)
te += @elapsed bi = MPI.Allreduce(bi, +, H.comm)
b[i] -= bi
b[i] /= α[i]
te += @elapsed MPI.Allreduce!(bi, +, H.comm)
td += @elapsed view(b, i, :) .= (view(b, i, :) .- transpose(bi)) ./ view(α, i)
ts = (ta, tb, tc, td, te)
verbose && H.rank == 0 && @show (ts ./ sum(ts)..., sum(ts))
return b[1:n]
verbose && @show ts
return b[1:n, :]

struct MPIQRStruct{T1, T2}

MPIQRStruct(A::MPIQRMatrix) = MPIQRStruct(A, zeros(eltype(A), size(A, 2)))
MPIQRStruct(A::MPIQRMatrix{T,M}) where {T,M} = MPIQRStruct(A, similar(A.localmatrix, size(A, 2)))

function LinearAlgebra.qr!(A::MPIQRMatrix; progress=FakeProgress(), verbose=false)
H = MPIQRStruct(A)
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