This is a lightweight framework used to create and compile your site
Latest docs accesible only in russian
- Nodejs run with nodemon
- Static server with browsersync
- Live code reload with nodemon and/or browsersync
- Deploy with rsync
- Pug or HTML templates
- Pug compilation
- HTML compilation (
) as fallback - Browserify support
- JavaScript compilation with gulp-include as fallback
- Babel for JavaScript
- Uglify code for production
- Postcss support (precss and postcss-cssnext)
- CSS minimization with cssmin
- Sourcemaps support for JavaScript and CSS
- Image compressing with imagemin
- CSS lint with stylelint
- CSS fix with stylefmt and postcss-sorting
- JavaScript lint with eslint
- JavaScript fix with eslint and js-beautify
- HTML lint with htmllint
- HTML prettify with html-prettify
- Pug lint with pug-lint
├── package.json
├── bower.json
├── index.js
├── lib/
├── routes/
├── public/
│ ├── js/
│ │ ├── includes/
│ │ ├── partials/
│ │ └── views/
│ ├── css/
│ │ ├── includes/
│ │ ├── partials/
│ │ └── views/
│ ├── font/
│ └── img/
└── views/
├── partials/
└── templates/
File with npm deps
File with bower deps
Main file of your Nodejs project. This script will be called by nodemon when you run gulp
If you're making a static site, you won't need this file.
Your JavaScript code for backend If you're making a static site, you won't need this folder either.
This folder should be used for scripts which define the routes for you site
This folder will be routed as '/public' with Browsersync, or, in case you use your own server, you must make this folder accesible as /public
It'll be a good practice if you'll use those files as the main scripts/styles for your site
Also it would be very nice if you'll use this files for some of your routes, for example
views/index.css -> /
views/about.css -> /about
It's recommended for you to use this files in order to include the main files Example of JavaScript including
const $ = require('jquery') // If you use Browserify
//=require includes/somefile.js // If you use fallback `gulp-include`
Example of CSS including:
@import 'includes/somefile';
/* This import in your css includes/_somefile.css */
This folder is very similar to includes/, but it would be nice if you'll use this folder for some widgets of your site, and it's recommended to include this files only in the main files (and not in the views/* files)
This is the folder for your views of the site, if you use your own server
If youre creating a static site - put your Pug or HTML there, and the files will be routed as /
. For example
views/index.pug -> /index.html
views/about.html -> /about.html
- Bablel
- Eslint
- htmllint
- js-beautify
- postcss-sorting
- pug-lint
- Stylelint
First you need create the file structure described previous (if you use Yeoman generator, you can skip this step)
cp -Rp example/ src/
Create a sample config (if you use Yeoman generator, skip this step)
cp config.example.json config.json
vim config.json
Now you can execute gulp
in order to start the build, watching and live-reload your code. Or you can simply run gulp build
or gulp server
separately. Also you can run gulp lint
for linting, gulp fix
for fixing and beautifing the code and gulp self-update
for updating this script.--all
flag enables the building of all the files, without changing none of them. --production
flag enables the production mode.--deploy
flag enables deploying using rsync.
MIT © Grigorii Horos