the library is designed to make it easier to check potentially malicious files and archives using YARA and make a decision about their harmfulness based on the weights of the detected rules
- FileSizeLimitKb: !!int // limit: limit of summary checked files size (archived files included)
- ArchiveDepthLimit: !!int // limit: how many nested archives we can check
- ProcessingTimeLimitMs: !!int // limit: how much time to wait until stoping check
- FilesCountLimit: !!int // limit: how many files in archive we can check
- DangerousThreshold: !!int // setting: threshold, after reaching which (based on the sum of the weights of the yara rules that matched during file processing) a decision is made that the file is malicious and processing stops
- YaraRuleScoreDefault: !!int // setting: the weight of the yara rule, unless otherwise specified in the score_ tag
- ScanArchives: !!bool // setting: whether to scan archives. the 7z.dll library is required in the Resources folder
- FastScan: !!bool // setting: yara fast scan
- ArchiveFileTypes: array // setting - list of archive file extensions
- ExecutableExtensions: array// setting - list of executable file extensions
var log = new SynchronousConsoleLog();
var fileChecker = new FileChecker();
var fileBytes = ReadFileBytes(sampleFilePath);
var fileObject = new FileObject(fileBytes, sampleFilePath);
var scanMode = FileChecker.ScanMode.Mid;
rules from:
- Lite - Resources/YaraRules/Lite
- Mid - Lite + Resources/YaraRules/Mid
- Hard - Mid + Resources/YaraRules/Hard
- Custom - Resources/YaraRules/custom.
var result = fileChecker.CheckFile(fileObject, scanMode, log); // FileScanResult со следующими свойствами%
ScanSuccessful - is scan successful (if not - check AdditionalInfo)
YaraResults - list of ScanResult
FileName - file name/ filenames delimited with | in case of checking archives
MatchedRules - list of matched rules names
Executable - is executable/ archive contains one or more executables
TotalScore - summ of yara rule scores (from tag score_XXX or from YaraRuleScoreDefault in config)
Dangerous - is DangerousThreshold reached