Powershell 5.1+ Module for Kayako Fusion (Classic)
- Powershell 5.1+ (including Powershell core)
- Kayako Fusion "Classic" version 4.40+
- Rest API enabled and configured
Note: Most of the module will work for Kayako Fusion 4.01, some specific function parameters require 4.40+.
Most of the API is covered in some way, some functions have missing parameters. It isn't my goal to get to 💯. If you need something added submit a feature request.
Function Name | Description |
Export-TicketAttachment | Save attachment by given ticket ID and attachment ID |
Get-Ticket | Get ticket object by ID or list by department |
Get-TicketAttachments | Get all ticket attachments |
Get-TicketDepartment | Get all department objects |
Get-TicketNote | Get all ticket note objects for a given ticket ID |
Get-TicketPost | Get ticket posts by ticket ID |
Get-TicketPriorty | Get ticket priorities |
Get-TicketStaff | Get staff objects |
Get-TicketStatus | Get all ticket statuses for a given department |
Get-TicketType | Get ticket types with optional department filter |
New-Ticket | Create ticket |
New-TicketNote | Create ticket note with ticket ID, contant, and staff |
Search-Ticket | Search Tickets for string in specified fields |
Remove-Ticket | Delete ticket by ticket ID or ticket object |
Remove-TicketNote | Delete ticket note by ticket ID and note ID |
Resolve-Ticket*ID | Helper functions to resolve names to ticket ID |
Set-Ticket | Update existing ticket information by ticket ID |
- Download the repository.
- Create
file in module root as shown below. - Save module to a path or import in-place.
Your secret
file should look like this:
Note: For server use protocol (https) and host (domain) only.
secret=<your secret>
apikey=<your api key>
Create a note and then immediately delete it, because why not?
$Note = @{
TicketID = 121231
StaffID = 2
Color = 'Pink'
Contents = @"# To Do ($(get-date -format yyyy-MM-dd)):
1. Create multiline comment example in README.md
2. Commit
3. Push
New-TicketNote @Note | Remove-TicketNote
Close tickets by tag using search (would not recommend).
foreach($ticket in $(Search-Ticket -Query 'not-supported' -InTags)){
Set-Ticket -TicketID $ticket.id -Status 'Closed'
Delete tickets in given department created by boss@domain.tld
with subject "FW:*".
Get-Ticket -Department 'User Issues' `
| Where-Object { $_.email -eq 'boss@domain.tld' -and $_.subject -like "fw:*" } `
| Remove-Ticket
- Bradd Roberson - Author, Maintainer - Github