This connector for K2 Cloud integrates with DropBox. It allows you to download and upload files, copy, move, and delete files, manage folders, manage tags, and search for files and folders.
- Download and upload files
- Search for files and folders
- Update and delete files and folders
- Manage tags (metadata) on files and folders
Note that while the .js or .jssp file can be modified, this is minified/bundled JavaScript and it is not recommended that you modify the files directly. Please log tickets using the K2 Partner and Customer Portal and log any feature requests on our Ideas portal.
Before you see SmartObjects and run methods on them, you must do the following:
- Create a Dropbox App using Dropbox's My apps page
- Create a secret for your app and copy the secret and the ID of the app for configuring an OAuth resource in K2
- Create an OAuth Resource Type in K2 Management
- Create an OAuth Resource in K2 Management based on the new resource type
- Create a Google Drive service type with the bundled .js or .jssp file
- Create a service instance for the type using the OAuth resource you created
For information about creating an app in Dropbox see Dropbox's OAuth guide
Next, create the OAuth resource type in K2. Follow these steps:
- Browse to K2 Management and expand the Authentication node
- Expand the OAuth node
- Click Resource Types and then click New and give it a name
- Add the following parameters to your resource type:
- Resource type parameters
- redirect_uri: for Authorization Request & Token Request set it to true
- client_id: for Authorization Request & Token Request set it to true
- response_type: for Authorization Request & Token Request set it to true
- grant_type: for Token Request set it to true, Token Default Value = authorization_code
- client_secret: for Token Request set it to true
- expires_in: for all requests set it to false (you use this as a token replacement value because Dropbox does not support refresh tokens)
- Save all of your changes
Once you've created your OAuth resource type, you can create your OAuth Resource.
Once you have your resource type created, create your resource that you'll use to configure your service instance. Follow these steps:
- Browse to K2 Management and expand the Authentication node
- Expand the OAuth node
- Click Resources and then click New
- Give your resource a name, select Dropbox as the Resource Type (or whatever you called it above), and then paste the authorization endpoint ( into the Authorization Endpoint field, and the token endpoint ( into the Token Endpoint
- Add the following parameters to your resource:
- Resource parameters
- redirect_uri: your K2 Cloud redirect URI, such as
- client_id: the client ID of your Google app for all three request values
- response_type: Authorization Value = code
- grant_type: Token Value = authorization_code, Refresh Value = refresh_token
- client_secret: Token Value & Refresh Value = your client secret
- Add the following Token Replacement Value + expires_in: 259200
- Save the resource and confirm that it's similar to the following figure
Once you've created your OAuth resource, you can now use it to configure a service instance, but you must first create your service type.
Download the index.js or index.jssp from the repo.
Once you have your index.jssp file for the Dropbox Connector, create your service type using the example form from the Help topic or one you've built yourself.
When your service type is created, register a service instance using the OAuth resource you created, and generate SmartObjects.
MIT, found in the LICENSE file.