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Identity Access Management (IAM) Terraform Modules

Identity Access Management is used to manage access to users and resources.

Modules Covered

  • iam-user
  • iam-group
  • iam-role
  • iam-policies


You can use each module as below. Please check the examples.

Create User Only

module "iam_user" {
    source                        = "MODULES/iam-user"
    iam_user_names                = ["tf-user1"]
    iam_user_paths                = ["/"]
    tags = {
        env  = "Test-TF"
        team = "DevOps"

Create Multiple Users and Create Access keys as well

If you want to Create Access keys as well, provide true to create_iam_access_key variable. The default value is false for this Variable.

module "iam_user" {
    source                        = "MODULES/iam-user"
    iam_user_names                = ["tf-user1", "tf-user2", "tf-user3"]
    iam_user_paths                = ["/", "/", "/"]
    create_iam_access_key         = true
    tags = {
        env  = "Test-TF"
        team = "DevOps"

Create User with PGP Key For Password Encryption

Create a Account or Register all users with Add/Register your device in account. Check the Encription key in state file. Command to decript by keybase

echo "${encrypted_password}" | base64 --decode | keybase pgp decrypt

Follow this link for steps to follow

module "iam_user" {
    source                        = "MODULES/iam-user"
    iam_user_names                = ["tf-user1", "tf-user2", "tf-user3"]
    iam_user_paths                = ["/", "/", "/"]
    create_iam_user_login_profile = true
    iam_user_password_length      = 20
    iam_user_pgp_keys             = ["keybase:maheshk23", "keybase:maheshk23", "keybase:maheshk23"]

    tags = {
        env  = "Test-TF"
        team = "DevOps"

Create Group

You can all add the Members in the group with this module, you only need to provide true to add_user_in_group and provide list of users to add in Group. Default value is false.

module "iam_group_terraform" {
    source                    = "MODULES/iam-group"
    create_iam_group          = true
    iam_group_name            = "tf-group"
    iam_group_path            = "/"
    add_user_in_group         = true
    iam_group_membership_name = "tf-membership-testing"
    iam_users_add_in_group    = ["tf-user1", "tf-user2", "tf-user3"]

Create Basic Policy

module "iam_policy_ec2_describe" {
    source                               = "MODULES/iam-policies"
    iam_custom_policy_name               = "terraform-test1"
    iam_custom_policy_path               = "/"
    iam_custom_policy_description        = "Test with Terraform"
    iam_custom_policy_action             = ["ec2:Describe*"]
    iam_custom_policy_effect             = "Allow"
    iam_custom_policy_resource_name      = ["*"]

    tags = {
        env  = "Test-TF"
        team = "DevOps"

Create Basic Policy and attach it with Users, Groups and Roles

You can Create and Add same Policy with multiple Users, Groups and Roles.

  • if you want to add only with users provide true to iam_custom_policy_attach_user and provide list of Users.
  • To attach Policy with Groups provide true to iam_custom_policy_attach_group, and provide list of groups, and same for Role.
module "iam_policy_ec2_describe" {
    source                               = "MODULES/iam-policies"
    iam_custom_policy_name               = "terraform-test1"
    iam_custom_policy_path               = "/"
    iam_custom_policy_description        = "Test with Terraform"
    iam_custom_policy_action             = ["ec2:Describe*"]
    iam_custom_policy_effect             = "Allow"
    iam_custom_policy_resource_name      = ["*"]
    iam_custom_policy_attach_user        = false   
    iam_custom_policy_attach_group       = false
    iam_custom_policy_attach_role        = false
    iam_custom_policy_attach_users_name  = ["tf-user1", "tf-user2"]
    iam_custom_policy_attach_groups_name = ["tf-group"]

    tags = {
        env  = "Test-TF"
        team = "DevOps"

Note: You can remove attachment variable you don't want them. For example, you only want to attach above policy with users, you can remove group and role related parametes from the module.

Create Basic Role

module "iam_role" {
    source                                            = "MODULES/iam-role"
    create_iam_role_basic_assume_policy               = true
    iam_role_name                                     = "terraform-test-role1"
    iam_role_description                              = "tesing role"
    iam_role_assume_policy_action                     = ["ec2:Describe*"]
    iam_role_assume_policy_effect                     = "Allow"
    iam_role_assume_policy_resource_name              = ["*"]

    tags = {
        env  = "Test-TF"
        team = "DevOps"

Create Role and Attach Already Created Policy

module "iam_role_managed_policy" {
    source                                            = "MODULES/iam-role"
    create_iam_role_basic_assume_policy               = true
    iam_role_name                                     = "terraform-test-role1"
    iam_role_description                              = "tesing role"
    iam_role_assume_policy_action                     = ["ec2:Describe*"]
    iam_role_assume_policy_effect                     = "Allow"
    iam_role_assume_policy_resource_name              = ["*"]
    create_iam_role_managed_policies                  = true
    iam_role_managed_policy_arns                      = [module.iam_policy_ec2_describe.iam_custom_policy_arn]

    tags = {
        env  = "Test-TF"
        team = "DevOps"

Create Instance Profile Role

Provide true to create_iam_role_basic_assume_policy variable to create Instance Profile Role, also need provide true to create_iam_role_instance_profile variable as given below example.

module "iam_role" {
    source                                            = "MODULES/iam-role"
    create_iam_role_basic_assume_policy               = true
    iam_role_name                                     = "terraform-test-role1"
    iam_role_description                              = "tesing role"
    iam_role_assume_policy_action                     = ["ec2:Describe*"]
    iam_role_assume_policy_effect                     = "Allow"
    iam_role_assume_policy_resource_name              = ["*"]
    create_iam_role_instance_profile                  = true
    iam_role_instance_profile_name                    = "test-tf-instance-profile"

    tags = {
        env  = "Test-TF"
        team = "DevOps"

Create Instance Profile If Role is already Created

module "iam_role" {
    source                                            = "MODULES/iam-role"
    create_iam_role_for_instance_profile_managed_role = true
    iam_managed_role_name                             = "terraform-test-role1"
    iam_role_instance_profile_managed_role_name       = "test-tf-instance-profile-m"

    tags = {
        env  = "Test-TF"
        team = "DevOps"

iam-user Variables

Variable Default Value Description Type
iam_user_names nil IAM User list
iam_user_paths nil Path in which to create the user list
create_iam_user_login_profile false Create IAM User login profile or not, Manages an IAM User Login Profile with limited support for password creation during Terraform resource creation bool
iam_user_pgp_keys nil Either a base-64 encoded PGP public key, or a keybase username in the form keybase:username. Only applies on resource creation. Drift detection is not possible with this argument list
iam_user_password_length 20 The length of the generated password on resource creation. Only applies on resource creation. Drift detection is not possible with this argument string
iam_user_password_reset_required true Whether the user should be forced to reset the generated password on resource creation. Only applies on resource creation. Drift detection is not possible with this argument bool
create_iam_access_key false Do you want to create a access keys for iam user or not, if you putt true then access keys will be created bool
iam_user_add_ssh_key false Do you want add ssh key with iam user or not, True for add ssh key bool
iam_user_public_key_encoding nil Specifies the public key encoding format to use in the response. To retrieve the public key in ssh-rsa format, use SSH. To retrieve the public key in PEM format, use PEM list
iam_user_public_ssh_keys nil The SSH public key. The public key must be encoded in ssh-rsa format or PEM format list
iam_user_pass_minimum_password_length 8 Minimum length to require for user passwords string
iam_user_pass_require_lowercase_characters true Whether to require lowercase characters for user passwords bool
iam_user_pass_require_numbers true Whether to require numbers for user passwords bool
iam_user_pass_require_uppercase_characters true Whether to require uppercase characters for user passwords bool
iam_user_pass_require_symbols true Whether to require symbols for user passwords bool
iam_user_pass_allow_users_to_change_password true Whether to allow users to change their own password bool
iam_user_pass_max_password_age 180 The number of days that an user password is valid string
tags nil A mapping of tags to assign to the resource map

iam-role Variables

Variable Default Value Description Type
create_iam_role_basic_assume_policy false Create IAM Role with Assume Policy define inside a Role bool
iam_role_name test-terraform Friendly name of the role. If omitted, Terraform will assign a random, unique name. See IAM Identifiers for more information bool
iam_role_description IAM Role Description of the role string
iam_role_force_detach_policies false Whether to force detaching any policies the role has before destroying it. Defaults to false bool
iam_role_assume_policy_action ["ec2:Describe*"] The actions you want to take on aws services like ec2, s3, iam and so on list
iam_role_assume_policy_resource_name ["*"] The name of the resouce on which this policy going to effect. it can be particular resource name where you want to provide access to user or group. it can arn:aws:s3:::mybucket list
iam_role_assume_policy_effect "Allow" The effect of Custom policy, it can either allow or deny string
create_iam_role_managed_policies false Create iam role with Managed Policies and attach these policies in the form of list bool
iam_role_managed_policy_arns [] Set of exclusive IAM managed policy ARNs to attach to the IAM role. If this attribute is not configured, Terraform will ignore policy attachments to this resource. When configured, Terraform will align the role's managed policy attachments with this set by attaching or detaching managed policies. Configuring an empty set (i.e., managed_policy_arns = []) will cause Terraform to remove all managed policy attachments list
create_iam_role_instance_profile false Create iam role with instance profile, if you want to create then provide true, otherwise provide false to skip it. please provide true to create_iam_role_basic_assume_policy variable as well along with it bool
iam_role_instance_profile_name nil Name of the instance profile. If omitted, Terraform will assign a random, unique name. Conflicts with name_prefix. Can be a string of characters consisting of upper and lowercase alphanumeric characters and these special characters: _, +, =, ,, ., @, -. Spaces are not allowed string
iam_role_instance_profile_path "/" Path to the instance profile. For more information about paths, see IAM Identifiers in the IAM User Guide. Can be a string of characters consisting of either a forward slash (/) by itself or a string that must begin and end with forward slashes. Can include any ASCII character from the ! (\u0021) through the DEL character (\u007F), including most punctuation characters, digits, and upper and lowercase letters string
create_iam_role_for_instance_profile_managed_role false If you already have a role and you want to assign it to instance profile, you can provide true value to this one and provide a role name as well in iam_managed_role_name variable bool
iam_managed_role_name "" Name of the role to add to the profile string
tags nil A mapping of tags to assign to the resource map

iam-policies Variables

Variable Default Value Description Type
iam_custom_policy_name nil The name of the policy. If omitted, Terraform will assign a random, unique name string
iam_custom_policy_path "/" Path in which to create the policy. See IAM Identifiers for more information. default / string
iam_custom_policy_description nil Description of the IAM policy string
iam_custom_policy_action ["ec2:Describe*"] The actions you want to take on aws services like ec2, s3, iam and so on list
iam_custom_policy_resource_name [*] The name of the resouce on which this policy going to effect. it can be particular resource name where you want to provide access to user or group. it can arn:aws:s3:::mybucket list
iam_custom_policy_effect "Allow" The effect of Custom policy, it can either allow or deny string
iam_custom_policy_attach_user false Do you want to attach this policy to user. if yes, provide true value. Default is false bool
iam_custom_policy_attach_users_name ["test-user1"] The user(s) the policy should be applied to list
iam_custom_policy_attach_group false Do you want to attach this policy with group, if yes, provide true value. Default is false bool
iam_custom_policy_attach_groups_name ["test-group1"] The group(s) the policy should be applied to list
iam_custom_policy_attach_role false Do you want to attach this policy with role, if yes, provide true value, Default is false bool
iam_custom_policy_attach_roles_name ["test-role1"] The role(s) the policy should be applied to list
tags nil A mapping of tags to assign to the resource map

iam-group Variables

Variable Default Value Description Type
create_iam_group false Provide true value if you want to create the group otherwise please provide false value. default is false bool
iam_group_name nil The group's name. The name must consist of upper and lowercase alphanumeric characters with no spaces. You can also include any of the following characters: =,.@-_.. Group names are not distinguished by case. For example, you cannot create groups named both ADMINS and admins string
iam_group_path nil (Optional, default /) Path in which to create the group. string
add_user_in_group false Do you want to attach group with use bool
iam_group_membership_name nil The name to identify the Group Membership string
iam_users_add_in_group nil A list of IAM User names to associate with the Group list


Identity Access Management(IAM) Terraform Modules






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