This program calculates the DPR (Damage per Round) of a Character from the fantasy role-playing game Pathfinder.
The aim is, to have a easyily understandable GUI to guide the user through the program. From the, yet to be implemented, GUI, one can:
load or save a character.
create a new character.
Add Weapons and attacks to a character.
Calculate the dpr for the current Full Round attack against an enemy with an inputtable ac
Implemented Feats:
- Weapon Finesse
- Power Attack
- Rapid Shot
- Flury of Blows
- Point-Blank Shot
- GUI & all actionListeners
- feat implementation in
- feats to implement:
- Arcane Strike
- Critical Focus
- Medusa's Wrath
- Manyshot
- Two-Weapon Fighting
- Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
- Greater Two-Weapon Fighting
- Double Slice
- Two-Weapon Rend
- Shield Mastery
- Vital Strike
- Furious Focus
- precision damage (sneak attack, keen, etc)
- bonus damage on crit (from feats)
- class features that alter attack and damage (smite, challenge)
- reading a list of Weapons&special abilites from file
- add buffs and implement their effect on dpr