The Network Plumbing Working Group (NPWG) was formed at Kubecon NA '17 in Austin to initially work towards implementing a common standard addressing how one may attach multiple networks to pods in Kubernetes. Our work has culminated in a de-facto standard CRD.
- Join us for our bi-weekly meeting at 9:30AM US Eastern Time on Thursday, opposite weeks from the SIG-Network meeting. You can find the connection information in the agenda document.
- Meeting notes and Agenda
- Meeting recordings: In youtube.
Weekly, Monday and Tuesday on alternating weeks:
- Time: 15:00 - 16:00 GMT / 10:00-11:00 ET / 07:00-08:00 PST every other Monday
- Time: 14:00 - 15:00 GMT / 09:00-10:00 ET / 06:00-07:00 PST on every other Tuesday
[Paused until further notice] Every 2 weeks on Tuesday, 15:30-16:30 GMT Agenda and connection info
Every 2 weeks on Thursday, 14:30-15:30 GMT Agenda and connection info
Every week on Wednesday, 15:00-15:30 GMT Agenda and connection info
- Multi-Network CRD Specification
- Repositories: Finalized version of the Multi-Network Specification.
- Working doc
- Multi-Network Reference Implementations
- Slack: Join #general channel to discuss multus-cni and other related topics.
- Mailing list
- Open Community Issues/PRs