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AMP API Python

CubeCoders AMP API wrapper in Python.

Discord Server


Key Features

  • Pythonic API wrapper using async and await.
  • Data is in dataclasses for easier management and interaction.
    • Optional parameter per function or global to disable formatting of data.
  • Parent classes ADSInstance and AMPInstance to group endpoints together and make handling of multiple Instances easier.
    • This will also limit Instance specific API endpoints (eg. Minecraft) to that Instance type only.


Python 3.10 or higher is required

To install run the below command to install the required pip packages from Requirements


-> Visit the package on Pypi

# Linux/macOS/Windows
pip install cc-ampapi

Basic Usage

  1. First you need to fill out the APIParams class with the required fields (url, user and password).
  2. Pass the APIParams class into the Bridge class parameter api_params.
    • You only need to make ONE bridge class; the rest of the API classes will get the same object and handle logging in for you.
  3. You can then use the Parent class ADSInstance() or the smaller class AMPInstance() or any of the API classes as a stand alone.

Quick Example -

# You can pull these values from an `.ini` or a `.env` file,
# then populate the NamedTuple APIparams from `types -> APIParams`
_params = APIParams(url="",

_bridge = Bridge(api_params=_params)

async def Sample_API():
    Example Method to call Instance Endpoints and create the ADS Instance class.
    ADS: ADSInstance = ADSInstance()
    # This would populate the ADS class property .AvailableInstances
    await ADS.get_instances()
    # We can break out all our instances into their own attributes.
    # Your instances wont line up like these examples; but you can check the InstanceName and Module to figure out the order of your Instances.
    arkinstance: AMPInstance | AMPMinecraftInstance = ADS.AvailableInstances[1]
    mcinstance: AMPInstance | AMPMinecraftInstance = ADS.AvailableInstances[2]

    # Pre populated from the dataclass and has the API methods too!
    # You can take a backup really easily.
    await arkinstance.take_backup(title="ARK1_backup", description="This is an ARK backup", sticky=True)

    # Then you can call instance type specific API methods.
    await mcinstance.mc_add_to_whitelist(user_or_uuid="k8_thekat")

    # You can also check attributes and other fields of the instance.

    # The State of the Instance. eg. Running, Offline, Restarting. See ` -> State_enum
    # This is NOT updated constantly. See about using `get_status()` to keep it current.
    if mcinstance.AppState == State_enum.Stopped:
        await mcinstance.start_instance()

    # You can also check Metrics of an Instance easily.

    # Want to kick a random person? Here ya go~
    players: list[Players] = await mcinstance.get_user_list()
    await mcinstance.mc_kick_user_by_id(id=players[0].id)

async def Sample_Analytics_API():
    Example Method to use Instance Analytics.
    ADS: ADSInstance = ADSInstance()
    await ADS.get_instances()
    # The index value to get to an MC Instance will be different for you; this is just an example.
    # You can check an Instances Type via the `.Module` attribute of any ADS/Instance class.
    mcinstance: AMPInstance | AMPMinecraftInstance = ADS.AvailableInstances[2]
    # Example analytics call without a filter.
    Analytics: Analytics_Summary = await mcinstance.get_analytics_summary()
    # Then with that class you can access lots of Information, such as Top Players, Stats and SessionTime.
    Analytics.topPlayers # This is a list of this Instances Top Players.
    Analytics.stats # This is a list of different fields such as Unique Users, New Users, etc..
    # _____________________________________________
    # Now you can also filter the results to look at a specific User or Country. Simply define the `Analytics_Filter` class and pass it into the method call.
    country_filter: Analytics_Filter = Analytics_Filter(Country="US") # The Country parameter supports `ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 format` only.
    # These results will be filtered to only users within the US.
    filtered_analytics: Analytics_Summary = await mcinstance.get_analytics_summary(filters=country_filter)

    user_filter: Analytics_Filter = Analytics_Filter(Username="k8_thekat") # The IGN/Username of the user connected to the Server.
    # These results will be filtered to only users with that match the parameter Username. (eg. k8_thekat).
    filtered_analytics2: Analytics_Summary = await mcinstance.get_analytics_summary(filters=user_filter)


Controlling data formatting -

  • All JSON data returned from the API endpoints is formatted into a Dataclass/Enum/etc if possible.
  • Data formatting can be controlled globally or locally by changing the format_data parameter of the method to False.
    • When turning off the data formatting, typically you will get a dictionary back.

Example -

# By default all API calls will be formatted into Dataclasses if possible.
# You can toggle format_data off with ANY of the API classes that inherit Base().
ADS.format_data = False

# You can turn data formatting back on globally through any Instance object.
arkinstance.format_data = True

# You can turn off or on data formatting per function also.
await arkinstance.get_updates(format_data=False)
await arkinstance.get_role_data(format_data=True)

Contributing to the project

Git Commit message format

    - Change 1
    - Change 2
    -- Change 2 sub-change 1

    $ This commit message will be omitted because of `$`
    - Everything below it will be ignored too as long as it has a `-`

AMP Version Bump

If the AMP version has changed, please generate new API spec sheets and upload them with any function changes.

  • Run await APIUtil.amp_api_update(instance=instance_here)