Releases: kaaproject/sample-apps
Releases · kaaproject/sample-apps
Kaa Sample Apps 2.0.0
- [APP-7] - Continuous log upload in Data Collection demo
- [APP-52] - Move Android samples from Ant to Gradle
- [APP-66] - Integrate Nix into sample apps
- [APP-86] - [C] Remove unnecessary source file from configuration and gpiocontrol demo esp8266
- [APP-87] - [C] Integrate configuration demos for different platforms into single demo
- [APP-88] - [C] Integrate gpio demos for different platforms into single demo
- [APP-89] - [C] Cross-compilation of the data collection demo
- [APP-92] - [Java] Basic level Apps: Credentials management
- [APP-93] - [Java] Basic level Apps: Endpoint profiles and grouping
- [APP-94] - [Java] Basic level Apps: Configuration
- [APP-95] - [Java] Basic level Apps: Data collection
- [APP-96] - [Java] Basic level Apps: Notifications
- [APP-98] - [Java] Basic level Apps: Endpoint ownership (ex Verifiers)
- [APP-113] - [C] Cross-compilation of the notification demo
- [APP-143] - [Android] Basic level Apps: Notifications
- [APP-145] - [Android] Update "City Guide" app
- [APP-147] - [Android] Update "Photo Frame" app
- [APP-148] - [Android] Update SandBox Builder sdk library place
- [APP-151] - [Objective-C] Basic level Apps: Notifications
- [APP-152] - [C++] Basic level Apps: Notifications
- [APP-153] - [C] Basic level Apps: Notifications
- [APP-155] - [Objective-C] Basic level Apps: Data collection
- [APP-156] - [C++] Basic level Apps: Data collection
- [APP-157] - [C] Basic level Apps: Data collection
- [APP-158] - [Objective-C] Basic level Apps: Configuration
- [APP-159] - [C++] Basic level Apps: Configuration
- [APP-160] - [C] Basic level Apps: Configuration
- [APP-161] - [C] Basic level Apps: Events
- [APP-162] - [C] Basic level Apps: Endpoint ownership
- [APP-163] - [Objective-C] Basic level Apps: Endpoint ownership
- [APP-169] - [Android] Update "Cell Monitor" app
- [APP-170] - [Android] Update "User Verifier" app
- [APP-172] - [Android] Update "GPIO Control" app
- [APP-173] - [C] Basic level Apps: Credentials management
- [APP-174] - [C++] Basic level Apps: Credentials management
- [APP-175] - [Objective-C] Basic level Apps: Credentials management
- [APP-176] - [no-SDK] Basic level Apps: Credentials management
- [APP-177] - Change sample application builders according to CTL based Configuration Schema
- [APP-178] - Change sample application builders according to CTL based Notification Schema
- [APP-182] - [Objective-C] Basic level Apps: Endpoint profiles and grouping
- [APP-183] - [C] Basic level Apps: Endpoint profiles and grouping
- [APP-184] - [C++] Basic level Apps: Endpoint profiles and grouping
- [APP-185] - Basic level Apps: Notifications: Review and update bundle scenario flow
- [APP-186] - Remove OpenSSL dependencies in sample apps
- [APP-187] - Automate sample apps builds
- [APP-188] - Basic level Apps: Notifications: Technical review of the bundle description
- [APP-189] - [C/C++ SDK] Rename x86 platform
- [APP-191] - Change sample application builders according to CTL based Data collection Schema
- [APP-193] - Sample apps fixes after change: CTL in Events extension
- [APP-194] - [C/C++] Improve/eliminate and build.bat scripts
- [APP-202] - Update gitignore file in order to ignore libs folder in ObjC part
- [APP-206] - Basic level Apps: Configuration: Technical review of the bundle description.
- [APP-207] - Add support of new API for Tenant and User management
- [APP-208] - Drop the obsolete sample apps
- [APP-227] - Basic level Apps: Data collection: Review and update bundle scenario flow
- [APP-228] - Basic level Apps: Data collection: Review and update bundle description
- [APP-231] - Basic level Apps: Endpoint profiles and grouping: Update bundle description
- [APP-234] - Basic level Apps: Data collection: Update schemas and configuration
- [APP-235] - [Java] Basic level Apps: Events
- [APP-236] - [C++] Basic level Apps: Events
- [APP-237] - [Objective-C] Basic level Apps: Events
- [APP-238] - [no-SDK] Basic level Apps: Events
- [APP-239] - Basic level Apps: Events: Review and update bundle scenario flow
- [APP-240] - Basic level Apps: Events: Update schemas and configuration
- [APP-241] - Basic level Apps: Events: Review and update bundle description
- [APP-242] - [C++] Basic level Apps: Endpoint ownership
- [APP-243] - Basic level Apps: Endpoint ownership: Update bundle scenario flow
- [APP-244] - Basic level Apps: Endpoint ownership: Update schemas and configuration
- [APP-245] - Basic level Apps: Endpoint ownership: Update bundle description
- [APP-247] - [C] Notification demo
- [APP-248] - ...
Kaa Sample Apps 1.3.0
- [APP-64] - Refactor Activation Demo application to demonstrate Device management feature
- [APP-65] - Replace documentation links in apps description and readme with non-SSL version
- [APP-68] - [Objective-C] Update sample apps to import Kaa SDK as framework
- [APP-70] - Update data collection demo
- [APP-75] - Update sample applications to use AdminClient methods based on application token instead of application ids
- [APP-79] - Update Zeppelin data analytics demo description due to migration to Cassandra 3.0
- [APP-56] - [C Notification demo] Remove notifications count restrictions
- [APP-58] - [C] Syntax errors in GPIO demo
- [APP-59] - [C] CC3200 GPIO demo crashes
- [APP-60] - [C] Fix wildcard in Spark demo
- [APP-61] - Spark demo broken build
- [APP-62] - User verifiers demo crashes with twitter verification
- [APP-72] - [Sample-apps] Fix wildcards in *.bat scripts
- [APP-76] - Broken documentation links
- [APP-77] - [C] Error when trying to flash cc32xx gpio demo application
- [APP-80] - [C++ Storm demo] Compilation failure
- [APP-81] - ESP8266 gpio demo build failure
- [APP-83] - C Cassandra demo compilation failure
- [APP-84] - Storm data analytics C demo build failure
Kaa Sample Apps 1.2.1
Kaa Sample Apps 1.2.0
- [APP-10] - Merge in the Kaa Storm sample application
- [APP-11] - Merge in the Kaa Cassandra sample application
- [APP-12] - Merge in the Kaa Spark sample application
- [APP-13] - Update demo applications builder in order to use SDK profiles
- [APP-16] - Update demo applications builder in order to use CTL based profile schemas
- [APP-25] - Show usage of log delivery callback feature
- [APP-31] - Merge in the Kaa Zeppelin sample application
- [APP-32] - Sample Java application to demonstrate server side profile feature
- [APP-23] - Provide Version.class generation
- [APP-24] - Provide sample apps bundle support
- [APP-30] - Multiple platforms support for apllication
- [APP-1] - Remove redundant AsyncTasks in SmartHouseDemo code
- [APP-14] - Fix build of Kaa-Cassandra demo client
- [APP-15] - Fix build of Kaa-Storm C demo client
- [APP-34] - Fix compilation of notification demo application.
- [APP-35] - Fix android notification demo
- [APP-44] - Remove user-specific XCode project path and files from samples
- [APP-45] - Incorrect linking to Android Notification demo application
- [APP-46] - Incorrect GPIO control applications descriptions.
- [APP-47] - Notifications do not appear after closing android notification demo
- [APP-48] - Android notification demo does not correctly display a list of notifications
- [APP-50] - Change naming of bundles and applications.
Kaa Sample Apps v1.1.1
Kaa Sample Apps v1.1.1 includes:
- [APP-18] - Improve GPIO control build scripts to generate random access code
- [APP-19] - Classify sample apps by complexity
- [APP-21] - Duplication of Kaa dependencies with different versions in build artifacts
- [APP-22] - GPIO control sample app for Samsung Artik 5
Fixed bug
- [APP-20] - Data collection demo fails during nightly run
Kaa Sample Apps v1.1.0
Kaa Sample Apps v1.0.0
The first Kaa Sample Apps version decoupled from Kaa Core. Added a GPIO controller sample application for Android (controller), CC3200 (controlled), and ESP8266 (controlled).