MFTBrowser.exe (x64)
[Change Log]
- Added the $MFT extended records as sub-nodes to their parent file/directory nodes (colored red) in the form of:
[Record: 55, SeqNr: 5] - Added record reference numbers (I called them IDs) in the form of '0005000000000005' to the Properties tree.
- these are comprised by the (Hex): [Sequence number (2 bytes)][MFT record number (6 bytes)]
- these IDs are referenced as 'File reference number' in fsutil
- when clicked, the referenced record is selected in the directory tree
- Applicable to:
- MFT record ID (record header)+($Index_Root attribute entries)
- MFT base record ID (record header)+($Index_Root attribute entries)
- MFT parent ID ($Filename attribute) + ($Attribute_list attribute entries)+($Index_Root attribute entries)
- Added 'Node Properties' right click option to the Directory tree (same as double clicking a node, opens the Properties tree for that record)
- Fixed Directory tree node sorting
- Fixed a few typos
- Clicking on the status bar copies the displayed status text to clipboard
Note: With the addition of extension records, the required time to populate the directory tree has increased.
eg. 500Mb $MFT, opening time from ~30mins --> ~38mins