TechLab CSS Challenge #2 _ transferring a dull html website into a fancy one
This is the task: Create a project about whatever you like (or take the one of your HTML challenge), and style all the content with CSS! You will work in teams of two, so work together on this as much as possible.
The rules (must have): no javascript! no inline styling (all your styles have to be in separate stylesheets) not two separate projects (This is a team project. If you split responsibilities, somewhere has to be the connection between the two parts.) style all the content of your page somehow use flex box somewhere in your project use at least one font of your choice use at least one pseudo class ( like hover or active)
Nice to have (optional): use different ways to select your HTML elements (element, class, descendant,…) use a CSS variable somewhere use the BEM naming convention for your CSS use different units (e.g. rem, vh, %, px, …) use a media query do whatever cool things come to your mind - the possibilities of CSS are endless ; )