If you want to join Kaia Mainnet network, this workshop will be the best guidance. Below are included in this workshop.
- Prerequisites (Firewall & Package Installation)
- Chaindata Fast sync with Mainnet
- Mainnet Network Configuration
- Service Status Management
Hugo and GitHub are utilized for generating this workshop.
Hugo - Static Site Generator
Hugo is used for scaffolding and generating this workshop.
- GitHub Repository: stores the source code of Hugo.
- GitHub Action: automatically build and deploy your contents to the branch gh-pages.
- GItHub Pages: hosts the output to public.
Thank you for your interest in contributing to Kaia Workshop. Kaia Workshop is always open to anyone and we welcome your contribution.
- Site scaffolding
├── README.md
├── archetypes
├── assets
├── content ====> Where contents can be updated.(Markdown)
├── data
├── layouts
├── resources
├── static
├── themes
└── hugo.toml
- Labaeling - [issue|typo|update|new]
- Branch Naming when PR - hubo/update-3-b, hugo/new-3-c