Python Package for accessing account, book, and author data from the SFPL Website.
From pip
$ pip install sfpl
From source:
$ pip install git+git://
Or clone / download this repository and $ python install
or $ pip install .
- Used for getting data from the SFPL website and managing login cookies.
bs4 + lxml
- Used for parsing information from HTML.
Managing current checkouts and holds for your SFPL library account.
Searching for books by keyword, title, author, subject, and tag and searching for user-created book lists.
Following other library users and viewing their book lists.
Getting libary branch hours.
- Better Book Status Messages
Searching for books on Python:
>>> from sfpl import Search
>>> python_search = Search('Python')
>>> results = python_search.getResults(pages=2) # .getResults is a generator that yields / streams pages of results
>>> for page in results:
[Python by Donaldson, Toby, Python by Johansen, Andrew, Python! by Moses, Brian, Python by McGrath, Mike, Python by Vo. T. H, Phuong]
[Python by Romano, Fabrizio, Python by Phillips, Dusty, Python by Joshi, Prateek, Python by Lassoff, Mark, Python by Wayani, Rafiq]
Searching for books by J.K. Rowling:
>>> from sfpl import Search
>>> jk_search = Search('J.K. Rowling', _type='author')
>>> results = jk_search.getResults()
>>> first_page = next(results)
>>> first_page[0].title
"Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone"
>>> first_page[0].getDescription()
"For the first time, J. K. Rowling's beloved Harry Potter ..."
Searching for book lists related to San Francisco:
>>> from sfpl import Search
>>> list_search = Search('San Francisco', _type='list')
>>> results = list_search.getResults()
>>> first_page = next(results)
>>> first_page[0].title
'Made in SF - San Francisco love for young readers'
>>> for book in first_page[0].getBooks():
Al Capone Does My Shirts by Choldenko, Gennifer
Book Scavenger by Bertman, Jennifer Chambliss
Getting all your books on hold:
>>> from sfpl import Account
>>> my_account = Account('barcode', 'pin') # Replace with your barcode and pin.
>>> my_holds = my_account.getHolds()
>>> for book in my_holds:
'Python for Data Analysis'
'Automate the Boring Stuff With Python'
>>> for book in my_holds:
'#4 on 6 copies'
'#7 on 3 copies'
>>> for book in my_holds:
'McKinney, Wes'
'Sweigart, Al'
Searching for books by J.K. Rowling but not about Harry Potter:
>>> from sfpl import AdvancedSearch
>>> search = AdvancedSearch(includeauthor='J.K. Rowling', excludekeyword='Harry Potter') # Search for books by J.K. Rowling but don't include 'Harry Potter'
>>> results = search.getResults()
>>> for book in results:
'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them'
'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them : The Original Screenplay'
'The Casual Vacancy'
'Very Good Lives'
'Una vacante imprevista'
Getting hours for a library branch:
>>> from sfpl import Branch
>>> branch = Branch('anza')
>>> branch.getHours()
{'Sun': '1 - 5', 'Mon': '12 - 6', 'Tue': '10 - 9', 'Wed': '1 - 9', 'Thu': '10 - 6', 'Fri': '1 - 6', 'Sat': '10 - 6'}