"Clean" Onion Architecture based high performance Go Rest Framework built on Echo
Currently, this is a WIP as existing progress has been halted by rearchitecting based on the knowledge and benefits of using the Onion Architecture described here: https://8thlight.com/blog/uncle-bob/2012/08/13/the-clean-architecture.html
This architecture change was made after this frameworks conception so this project is now in a WIP state. The main reason I am going against Go protocol by merging modules into one framework is to provide interfaces all in one package for an Onion Architecture approach. Go seems to already hint that this architecture may be intended. This would be welcomed as this is mainly a discovery project to see just how well this architecture works in Go and in other projects such as Pratton.
Benefits include:
- Extremely modular code that allows for seperation between logic and external tools
- Easily testable
- Easily migratable
- Usable in a Monorepo (Single repository - Google style)