The KairosDB CSV Plugin is a post-processing plugin that converts the JSON response from KairosDB to a CSV file. Columns are comma delimited. A column is added for each groupBy.
Note: Currently only supports groupBy for tags.
The output looks like the following:
The plugin will be called when added to the query. The syntax is as follows:
plugins": [ { "name":"CsvConverter"}]
This is added to the root of the query. For example
"plugins": [
"name": "CsvConverter"
"start_absolute": 1357023600000,
"end_relative": {
"value": "5",
"unit": "days"
The plugin supports the following parameters:
- show_metric_name - Whether to include a column for the metric name. The default is true.
Parameters are added to the plugin as additional JSON fields. For example:
"plugins": [
"name": "CsvConverter",
"show_metric_name": "false"