docker pull kaistlk/weather:v2.0.0
- When using the GPU,
docker run -d -it -p 8887:8887 --gpus all --name weather kaistlk/weather:v2.0.0 python3 /home/KoBART-summarization/ 8887 gpu
- When using the CPU,
docker run -d -it -p 8887:8887 --name weather kaistlk/weather:v2.0.0 python3 /home/KoBART-summarization/ 8887 cpu
The number "8887" is a port number. Please change them all if you use a different port number.
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GET URL Examples:전기간 전지점 일단위 최고온도 3개&date=2022-03-10 00:00:00
(Without the Internet,전기간 전지점 일단위 최고온도 3개&date=2022-03-10 00:00:00)