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Effectively Manage Terminal Command History through Custom 'Environments'


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A tool to manage terminal history for Bash based Linux environments.


Table of Contents



The default history management system of the terminal can sometimes seem clunky and unhelpful. While the terminal is versatile and facilitates a wide variety of tasks, the terminal command history can only be accessed as a single obscenely-long list. When using the terminal, this often makes it difficult to scroll to the desired commands, especially for novice users.


This project aims to simplify terminal history management, by splitting each use of the terminal into a session, with an environment. The user can select the environment of the terminal upon startup, and thus obtain clutter free access to all the commands executed in that particular environment, with other environments' history not in the picture. For example, when working on a Java Applet, the user may choose to use a Java environment, which would provide only the Java environments' terminal history - and not show any Python commands that were executed from the Python environment. The current version is intended to work only for a single instance of the Terminal application running at a time - and not for multiple tabs/windows. It is also not meant for the main linux terminal (Ctrl + Alt + F1-F7)


The history of the bash terminal, by default, is stored in the ~/.bash_history file. HistManager works by constantly editing this file - replacing it with a different file (based on the environment history the user wants to import). This way, the system still uses the default, .bash_history file to both add and retrieve commands, but the file iself is managed by HistManager - thus changing the history on demand. Additions to environment histories also occur this way - the system edits the .bash_history file, and the edits are copied into the relevant environment history file by HistManager.

Apart from all the user generated environments, there is another, 'Master' environment - which can't be edited by the user. This environment is special, as it contains all the history, from all the environments. Thus, selecting the Master environment for a terminal session has the same effect as continuing with the default .bash_history file.


  • Environments: Different terminal environments differ in the history they possess, and prevent other environments' commands from showing up when accessing history (either via the history command, or via the arrow keys).
    • Archived Environments: Environments that have been archived by the user, and are not to be displayed in the Environment Menu anymore.
    • Error Generated Environments: Environments that contain the history of terminal sessions who's environments couldn't be initialised correctly.
    • Pre Merge Environments: Archived environments containing copies of the history of two environments before they were merged.
    • The Master Environment: The single environment that contains all the history, from all environments.
  • Sessions: Each time the terminal is opened, a session is said to be started. HistManager currently can't handle multiple sessions running simultaneously.
  • User Menus
    • Environment Menu: The main menu displayed upon terminal startup.
    • HistManager-Settings Menu: The menu display containing options to create new environments, archive environments, rename environments, etc.
    • Settings Submenus: The menus displayed for each action executed via the Settings menu, like those for renaming or archiving environments.


Apart from just replacing the .bash_history file appropriately, HistManager provides some more features.

HistManager Settings Menu

Enabling the user to create new environments is the only necessary feature required for HistManager to function. However, HistManager goes beyond this and allows renaming, merging and archiving existing environments. These features can be accessed from the HistManager Settings menu.

Quirks and Hacks

Here is a list of other quirks in the program. These aren't listed anywhere else, as they are not essential to the core functionality offered by the code.

  • Environment Names
    • All environment names are case insensitive. Thus, projectX and projectx are identical to ProjectX.
    • Environment names can't contain special characters or whitespace, but the '+', '-', and '_' symbols are still allowed in environment names.
    • An environment can't be named 'Master' or 'HistManager-Settings'.
    • Environment names cant contain the words 'archive', 'error-env', or 'pre-merge'.
  • Menus
    • All (y/n) menus are case insensitive; and consider Y, y, Yes, and yes to be identical; and N, n, No, and no to be identical.
    • When choosing environments from a list, typing environment names functions the same as typing their serial numbers.
    • Pressing Enter (or Return) when accessing any of the settings features, such as rename or merge, returns to the HistManager Settings menu.
    • Pressing Enter (or Return) when accessing the HistManager Settings menu returns to the Environment Menu .
    • Pressing Enter (or Return) at the Environment Menu loads the environment from the previous session of the Terminal, if any.
    • When at the Environment Menu, the decimal numbers 0.1 through 0.7 offer direct access to the first through the seventh options from the HistManager Settings menu, respectively. All other 0.x decimals open up the HistManager Settings menu.
    • When selecting a display mode for viewing environment history, negative menu options can be used too, to sort the output alphabetically, rather than chronologically.
  • Merging Environments
    • When two environments are merged, their individual histories are first archived, and can thus be retrieved.
  • A Secret
    • While the 'Quirks and Hacks' section here is meant to document any features that may not be obvious at first glance, one of them has been omitted. To discover this secret, hidden feature, use the source, or find it in the HistManager-Settings. Knowledge from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, the Big Bang Theory, or even the works of Pierre de Fermat could come in handy!

Set Up


The installation module of this project is a work in progress. For now, follow the following steps to install:

  1. Download and move these files into your home directory:
    • (the installation Shell Script)
    • histmanager-code (the Python3 HistManager code)
    • histmanager-code-remover (the Python3 HistManager uninstall code)
    • shistmanager-code-remover (the uninstallation Shell Script)
  2. Close any existing Terminal windows, and open a new window.
  3. Type sh
  4. Move the BashHistoryBackup_yyyy-mm-dd_hh-mm-ss.txt file created in your home directory to an appropriate location.
  5. Move the file created in your home directory to an appropriate location. Do not delete this file.
  6. Restart the Terminal to check installation and begin using HistManager.


The uninstallation module of this project is also a work in progress. For now, follow the following steps to uninstall:

  1. Move the file created at installation time back into your home directory.
  2. Open the Terminal, and select the Master environment, if possible.
  3. Type sh
  4. Restart the Terminal to check if uninstallation was successful.


This project is still not documented completely. Please use the source files for now.


The following samples demonstrate HistManager.

  1. Installing: Installing HistManager, after moving relevant files into the home directory.

  2. Creating Environments: Creating two environments, and initialising an environment for the terminal session.

  3. Using HistManager: Switching to a different environment for a different terminal session.

  4. Renaming and Archiving Environments: Renaming one of the two environments, archiving the other, and finally initialising the renamed environment for the terminal session.

  5. Restoring Environments: Restoring the archived environment, and then initialising it for the terminal session.

  6. Uninstalling: Initialising 'Master', and then uninstalling HistManager, after moving the relevant file into the home directory.

1. Installing

Installing HistManager, after moving the relevant files into home directory:

... ~ $ sh 

Welcome to HistManagerBETA Installer
checking if python3 is installed on this system
[python3 functional]

Do you wish to install HistManagerBETA? (y/n)        y

Installing HistManagerBETA - report any errors to

Creating backup of Terminal History .... [Done]
Creating the 'khist' Directory .... [Done]
Initialising the 'Master' History Environment .... [Done]
Deleting Installer Files .... [Done]
Setting up Uninstallation Tools .... [Done]
Configuring Terminal Startup to use HistManagerBETA .... [Done]

Please restart the Terminal to start using HistManager.

... ~ $ 

2. Creating Environments

Creating two environments:

  1. SudoInstalls - for doing all installation related work (could contain multiple sudo apt-get commands), and
  2. CS101 - for doing all work related to college course CS101 (could be a course related software project),

And then initialising the terminal session as a 'CS101' environment

HistManagerBETA 1.0 running.

Importing all previous History to the Master Environment

[Environment Menu] Select an environment for this session:
(or enter '0' or '1' to go to HistManager-Settings or Master, respectively)
	0) HistManager-Settings
	1) Master
Enter choice: 0

[HistManager Settings] Choose an option:
	1) Set up a new environment
	2) Rename an environment
	3) Merge two environments
	4) Archive an environment
	5) View all archived environments
	6) Restore an archived environment
	7) View environment history
	8) Leave settings and go back to environment menu
Enter choice: 1
[Creating New Environment]
	Enter the name of the new environment: SudoInstalls
Environment 'SudoInstalls' created successfully, returning to environment menu

[Environment Menu] Select an environment for this session:
(or enter '0' or '1' to go to HistManager-Settings or Master, respectively)
	0) HistManager-Settings
	1) Master
	2) SudoInstalls
Enter choice: 0

[HistManager Settings] Choose an option:
	1) Set up a new environment
	2) Rename an environment
	3) Merge two environments
	4) Archive an environment
	5) View all archived environments
	6) Restore an archived environment
	7) View environment history
	8) Leave settings and go back to environment menu
Enter choice: 1
[Creating New Environment]
	Enter the name of the new environment: CS101
Environment 'CS101' created successfully, returning to environment menu

[Environment Menu] Select an environment for this session:
(or enter '0' or '1' to go to HistManager-Settings or Master, respectively)
	0) HistManager-Settings
	1) Master
	2) CS101
	3) SudoInstalls
Enter choice: 2

CS101 history sucessfully imported.


... ~ $ mkdir CS101
... ~ $ cd CS101
... ~/CS101 $ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/user/CS101/.git/
... ~/CS101 $ 

3. Using HistManager

Switching to 'Master' for this terminal session

HistManagerBETA 1.0 running.

Updating Master Environment.
Exporting CS101 history from previous session.

[Environment Menu] Select an environment for this session:
(or enter '0' or '1' to go to HistManager-Settings or Master, respectively)
	0) HistManager-Settings
	1) Master
	2) CS101
	3) SudoInstalls
Enter choice: 1

Master history sucessfully imported.


... ~ $ pwd

4. Renaming and Archiving Environments

Renaming 'CS101' to 'CompSci101', archiving 'SudoInstalls', and then initialising the terminal session as a 'CompSci101' session

HistManagerBETA 1.0 running.

Exporting Master history from previous session.

[Environment Menu] Select an environment for this session:
(or enter '0' or '1' to go to HistManager-Settings or Master, respectively)
	0) HistManager-Settings
	1) Master
	2) CS101
	3) SudoInstalls
Enter choice: 0

[HistManager Settings] Choose an option:
	1) Set up a new environment
	2) Rename an environment
	3) Merge two environments
	4) Archive an environment
	5) View all archived environments
	6) Restore an archived environment
	7) View environment history
	8) Leave settings and go back to environment menu
Enter choice: 2
[Renaming Environment]
	Enter the current environment name: CS101
	Enter the new name for the environment: CompSci101
Environment 'CS101' successfully renamed to 'CompSci101', returning to environment menu

[Environment Menu] Select an environment for this session:
(or enter '0' or '1' to go to HistManager-Settings or Master, respectively)
	0) HistManager-Settings
	1) Master
	2) CompSci101
	3) SudoInstalls
Enter choice: 0

[HistManager Settings] Choose an option:
	1) Set up a new environment
	2) Rename an environment
	3) Merge two environments
	4) Archive an environment
	5) View all archived environments
	6) Restore an archived environment
	7) View environment history
	8) Leave settings and go back to environment menu
Enter choice: 4
[Archiving Environment]
Enter the environment you wish to archive: SudoInstalls
Environment 'SudoInstalls' successfully archived, returning to environment menu

[Environment Menu] Select an environment for this session:
(or enter '0' or '1' to go to HistManager-Settings or Master, respectively)
	0) HistManager-Settings
	1) Master
	2) CompSci101
Enter choice: 2

CompSci101 history sucessfully imported.


... ~ $ mv ~/CS101/ ~/CompSci101
... ~ $ cd CompSci101/
... ~/CompSci101 $ 

5. Restoring Environments

Restoring the archived 'SudoInstalls' environment, setting it as the environment for this terminal session

HistManagerBETA 1.0 running.

Updating Master Environment.
Exporting CompSci101 history from previous session.

[Environment Menu] Select an environment for this session:
(or enter '0' or '1' to go to HistManager-Settings or Master, respectively)
	0) HistManager-Settings
	1) Master
	2) CompSci101
Enter choice: 0

[HistManager Settings] Choose an option:
	1) Set up a new environment
	2) Rename an environment
	3) Merge two environments
	4) Archive an environment
	5) View all archived environments
	6) Restore an archived environment
	7) View environment history
	8) Leave settings and go back to environment menu
Enter choice: 6
[Restoring Archived Environment]
Select the environment you wish to resore: 
	1) SudoInstalls
	2) Return to settings menu
Enter choice: 1
Environment 'SudoInstalls' successfully restored, returning to environment menu

[Environment Menu] Select an environment for this session:
(or enter '0' or '1' to go to HistManager-Settings or Master, respectively)
	0) HistManager-Settings
	1) Master
	2) CompSci101
	3) SudoInstalls
Enter choice: 3

SudoInstalls history sucessfully imported.


... ~ $ sudo apt-get
[sudo] password for user: 
apt 1.0.1ubuntu2 for amd64 compiled on May 18 2016 09:49:01
Usage: apt-get [options] command
       apt-get [options] install|remove pkg1 [pkg2 ...]
       apt-get [options] source pkg1 [pkg2 ...]

apt-get is a simple command line interface for downloading and
installing packages. The most frequently used commands are update
and install.


See the apt-get(8), sources.list(5) and apt.conf(5) manual
pages for more information and options.
                       This APT has Super Cow Powers.
... ~ $ 

6. Uninstalling

Uninstalling HistManager, after moving the relevant file into the home directory

HistManagerBETA 1.0 running.

Updating Master Environment.
Exporting SudoInstalls history from previous session.

[Environment Menu] Select an environment for this session:
(or enter '0' or '1' to go to HistManager-Settings or Master, respectively)
	0) HistManager-Settings
	1) Master
	2) CompSci101
	3) SudoInstalls
Enter choice: 1

Master history sucessfully imported.


... ~ $ sh 

Do you wish to uninstall HistManagerBETA?(y/n)       y

Uninstalling HistManagerBETA

Removing HistManagerBETA from Terminal Startup Config .... [Done]
Creating backup of Terminal History .... [Done]
Restoring original History Settings .... [Done]
Deleting HistManagerBETA Data and Programs .... [Done]

Successfully Uninstalled HistManagerBETA
Please restart the Terminal.

... ~ $ 


HistManagerBETA was released on July 1, 2016. If you have any questions, wish to report bugs, or to contribute to this project, simply write to (yes, emails shall be responded to promptly).


Author's Note

This is an Open-Source project. Contributions are welcome (I could use the help)! You are free to use this project (modified or otherwise) whichever way you please - as long as you continue to keep it open and free.

Complete License Information

This project is released under the GNU-AGPL license.

This means that your permissions are conditioned on making available complete source code of licensed works and modifications, which include larger works using a licensed work, under the same license. Copyright and license notices must be preserved. Contributors provide an express grant of patent rights. When a modified version is used to provide a service over a network, the complete source code of the modified version must be made available.

Please read the file or visit for more information.


Effectively Manage Terminal Command History through Custom 'Environments'








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