#A Real-world Introduction to Topic Modeling and Text Mining
This is my final group project from data science class I took in spring 2015 at the University of Minnesota.
It was taken from a past Kaggle competition, Facebook Recruiting III - Keyword Extraction.
There are embedded newline characters in the training set. To remove these we ran:
tr '\n' ' ' < Train.csv | tr '\r' '\n' > Train.clean.csv
The original Train.csv file from Kaggle may not fit in memory. As the items are already randomized, you can just cut a number of lines from them.
# 4,525,646 questions + the header
head -n 4525647 Train.clean.csv > training.csv
# Copy the header
head -n 1 Train.clean.csv > testing.csv
# Append the rest (1,508,547 questions) of the data
tail -n 1508547 Train.clean.csv >> testing.csv
Results rounded to the nearest percent. SGD Classifier: 11% Latent Semantic Indexing & SGD Classifier: 13% Latent Dirichlet Analysis & SGD Classifier: 15% By exploring the forums at Kaggle it was discovered that the testing data set contained about 50% questions exactly the same as the training set. Armed with this knowledge most competitors were seeing approximately a 50% increase in scores compared to scores tested against a non-overlapping validation set.