π Source code for GSI Query vs. Scan experiment on DynamoDB. Read about the outcome on SSENSE's tech blog!
Sample event JSON:
"tableName": "example-order-table",
"concurrentRequests": 40,
"numberOfPutRequests": 25,
"sequentialWrites": 100
Source code for Lambda that will concurrently batch insert random items into a specified DynamoDB table.
DynamoDB table should already exist, and Lambda needs permissions for writing to table and should point to prepareData.js
In order to upload Lambda:
- cd into
- run
npm install
to install dependencies - run
zip -r prepareData.zip .
to create zip file of source code - upload zip file to Lambda
Sample event JSON:
"tableName": "example-order-table",
"numberOfSamples": 50
Source code for Lambda that will choose 50 random items from a designated DynamoDB table, time a Query and Scan for
each item, and log the individual response times, as well as the average response time of all items upon completion.
DynamoDB table should already exist, and Lambda needs permissions for reading from table and should point to experiment.js
In order to upload Lambda:
- cd into
- run
npm install
to install dependencies - run
zip -r experiment.zip .
to create zip file of source code - upload zip file to Lambda