Create an image gallery component that shows images alongwith its details
Consider a web page which has a dozen pictures. Each picture has some details - title, time the picture was taken, location of where the picture was taken (latitude, longitude)
When you click on any one picture (a thumbnail) you see the full picture alongwith all its details in a panel. You also see the location on a map with some details additional details fetched from Google maps
You also see title and have an option to update the title.
Build this as a component using Ember, Angular or React.js.Remember we are going to evaluate you on the following parameters:
- How you think and how creative you are
- How you code - structure, comments, and efficiency
- And how quickly can you learn
When you are done, please just create a pull request on this repo. We would like you to come in and present your code to the whole team.
May the force be with you!