- Add gif showing the functionality
- Add gif showing the functionality
- Add unit testing setups
- Single Event Card
- List events
- Error handling message
- Create Event
- Fix navigation between pages
- Frontend Unit tests
- Set the event's time too
- Environment configurations
- Add logging setup
- Add analytics
- Automate with CI/CD
- Cleanup transpiling options
- Improve chunks for dist in view
- Skeleton - loading state
- Paginate and filter event list query
- Authentication
- Security rules in Firebase based on Auth
- Eslint
- Codecov setup
- Improve tests setup
- Cypress e2e tests with Playwright (responsiveness)
- Automated API calls (system tests)
- Cron jobs to cleanup the dev database
- Add architecture testing for dependency safety TSArch
- Setup Jest centrally with projects - advanced reporting
- Feature flags (in Firebase it's called Remote Configurations)
- Add translations and localization (for datetime picker and location selector)
This is a monorepo, here's the general folder structure:
{ "show folder structure": "TODO" }
commands are all run from the repository root
npm install -g firebase-tools
firebase login
npm install
npm run dev
npm run dev -w @spectacle/view
npm run deploy
- ReactJS with Vite
- React Query with the developer tools
- Firebase : Includes Firestore, Functions, Hosting and Storage.
- Chose this BaaS (Backend as a Service) for a quick and free MVP setup. Also very interesting in short-medium term as we can use all these interesting features (as suspected for an event planning app) : Authentication, Feature Toggles, Notifications service, Analytics, Emails Plugin, and more. Its economical considering we don't have as much infra to implement.
- ExpressJS
- It's not necessarily the solution I would have chosen as we can use RPC calls directly with a Cloud Functions Client SDK, however this removes the static typechecking.
- We could also have used Firestore's REST api directly.
- Prettier
- Typescript
- This adds a lot of overhead but I think it helps when the types are defined in
. Also useful to generate mock data for tests. This avoids repetitive work and ensures the data integrity.
- This adds a lot of overhead but I think it helps when the types are defined in
- Workspaces & lerna
- using lerna for its very useful --parallel option. We might be okay without it though. It's a popular lib in monorepos.
- I would maybe opt for another dependency resolution strategy. hoisting seems risky with the traditionnal npm workspaces. See https://blog.logrocket.com/exploring-workspaces-other-advanced-package-manager-features/.
- Prettier & ESLint (TODO)
- Eslint because it handles both js and ts files.