Kalence class editor for Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer (http://kalence.weebly.com/me3-builder.html), deobfuscated, corrected based on new research in the game and its mechanics, and improved with new features.
- Done:
- Deobfuscated -- enough to implement desired changes
- Added BF3 Infiltrator
- Added Polonium Ammo
- Added Vibration Damper
- Added Chakram Launcher
- Corrected Disruptor ammo (armor damage)
- Corrected Incendiary ammo (removed the non-existing flat damage component from the description, added a note about the self-stacking glitch)
- Corrected Batarian Slasher shields (he has shields not barriers)
- Corrected Phase Disruptor biotic damage (it doesn't get biotic damage buffs)
- Corrected Shadow Strike (now gets the Sword Mastery rank 6 bonus)
- Corrected "Quarian Female" descriptions (they lacked the "Female" part)
- Fixed armor weakening (now armor weakening from powers and ammo stack correctly)
- Implemented Inferno Grenade glitch (equip Incendiary ammo to trigger)
- Implemented Blade Armor glitch (now presenting the correct Gold numbers)
- Implemented Warp ammo biotic bonus (enable a biotic primer to trigger)
- Implemented Incendiary glitch (enable a fire DoT power to trigger)
- Implemented weight glitch (for as long as you're not using more than one heavy mod)
- Implemented power DoT (evolutions that add DoT now included in damage calculations)
- Implemented cryo buff to Incinerate and Concussive Shot (equip Cryo ammo or enable a chill source to trigger)
- Presented damage reduction (on the summary screens of characters that have DR)
- Todo:
- Boss headshots (show them alongside normal headshots)
- Melee radius and cap (show them somewhere once I get the numbers)
- Synthetic damage (powers like Overload or Concussive Shot)
- Piercing damage (show it alongside non-piercing damage)
Contribute ideas, data or code: https://bsn.boards.net/thread/19720/kalence-correction-improvement-project or https://discord.gg/MkURgPG