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Classification table

AlexanderGress edited this page Nov 16, 2021 · 13 revisions

The classification table is the main output file StructMAn produces. It is a tab-separated table file. Each row represents the computed results around one amino acid position of one queried protein. In the following, all its columns are explained:

Name Description
Input Protein ID Protein identifier given by the input file.
Primary Protein ID Protein identifier used interally byt StructMAn.
Uniprot-Ac Uniprot accession ID of the query protein.
Uniprot Id Uniprot entry name of the query protein.
Refseq Refseq-protein-ID of the query protein.
Residue ID In the case, PDB identifiers were given, this column contains the residue identifier of the queried position.
Amino Acid Amino acid in one letter code of the queried position.
Position Number in the protein sequence of the queried position.
Tags Tags given by the input file regarding the queried position.
Weighted Location Annotation of the structural location of the queried position regarding the solvent-accessible surface area. Either Surface, Buried or Core.
Weighted Mainchain Location Structural location of the queried position solely based on main chain atoms.
Weighted Sidechain Location Structural location of the queried position solely based on side chain atoms.
Class Distance-based structural classification of the queried position.
Simple Class Simplified version of the distance-based classification.
RIN Class Residue interaction network (RIN) based classification.
RIN Simple Class Simplified version of the RIN-based classification.
Confidence Value Score representing the confidence of the annotated structural classification, based on the amount and quality of mapped structures and of the ambiguity of the structural classifications of the individual mappings.
Secondary Structure Secondary structure assignment of the queried position performed by DSSP.
Recommended Structure PDB-ID and the chain identifier of the recommended structure, which is the structure chosen by StructMAn to best represent the structural neighborhood of the queried position.
Sequence-ID Percent sequence identity between the sequence of the recommended structure and the query protein.
Coverage Fraction of the sequence of the query protein covered by the recommended structure when the sequences of the query protein and the structurally resolved protein are aligned.
Resolution resolution of the recommended structure.
Max Seq Id Structure PDB-ID and the chain identifier of the structure, which has the highest sequence identity of all structures where the queried residue can be mapped.
Max Sequence-ID Percent sequence identity between the sequence of the maximal sequence identity structure and the query protein.
Max Seq Id Coverage Fraction of the sequence of the query protein covered by the maximal sequence identity structure.
Max Seq Id Resolution Resolution of the maximal sequence identity structure.
Amount of mapped structures Total number of all structures, where the queried position could be mapped to.
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