This feed action is responsible for creating the Infinispan cach listener and associating it with a Trigger
Deploy Infinispan on OpenShift
Deploy OpenWhisk on Minishift
oc adm policy add-role-to-user admin developer -n openwhisk |
wsk -i package create --shared yes redhatdevelopers (1)
this could be anything, if you change it please update pom.xml
mvn clean package (1) wsk -i action update -a feed true redhatdevelopers/infinispan-feed \ target/infinispan-feed-action.jar --main org.workspace7.openwhisk.InfinispanFeedAction
if you have WSK CLI installed, post package
You will need to deploy the Infinispan Feed Provider before creating the trigger. Refer to the README on the deployment.
wsk -i trigger create cacheEntryTrigger --feed redhatdevelopers/infinispan-feed \ -p hotrod_server_host infinispan-app-hotrod \ (1) -p hotrod_port 11222 \ (2) -p cache_name default (3) wsk action create cacheEntryTriggerAction src/handler.js (4) wsk rule create cacheEntryRule cacheEntryTrigger cacheEntryTriggerAction (5)
If you deployed Infinispan using method referenced in Pre-requisite, then the default hostname is infinispan-app-hotrod and by default this is accessible only from within OpenShift cluster
The HotRod Client Port to connect to
The Cache Name for which the listener to be registered
Create a dummy action just to see what parameters are sent via the event source
Associate the Trigger with Action via a rule
Infinispan Feed Provider provides
a REST path called /data/add/{key}
which can be used to add dummy entry to see
the cache entry event triggering the cacheEntryTriggerAction
curl -X GET --data "hello world" $(minishift openshift service infinispan-feed-provider -n myproject --url)/data/add/testKey2018 (1) wsk activation list -limit 1 cacheEntryTriggerAction (2) wsk activation result <activation-id> (3)
Add a test cache entry, this by default adds to
cache -
Check if the cacheEntryTriggerAction action is triggered as a result of cache entry addition
Check what payload the cacheEntryTriggerAction has recevied