This is a repository containing a demo of trace sampling using the changes in the following two pull requests:
To run the demo you'll need Elixir and Docker Compose.
Additionally, you'll need to export a DD_API_KEY
variable containing a Datadog API key since the demo uses a local Datadog Agent.
# Export the API key
# Boot up the database and Datadog Agent
docker compose up -d
# Install deps
mix deps.get
# Setup the database
mix ecto.create && mix ecto.migrate
# Run the app
mix phx.server
# In another session, run the script that performs 10 requests to your app
- implements an override of priority tomanual_keep
in case of errorsSpandexTestSampler
- implements a plug that sets the priority based on a sampling rate
has a bug - bothauto_keep
have the value 1- The priority needs to be set, otherwise it will be ingested with the reason
Here's a screenshot of a simple test - generating 10 requests with both a 1.0 and 0.5 sample rate at 10:11pm and 10:13pm respectively as seen in the Traces page in Datadog's APM. It seems the traces are being sampled correctly.
On the other hand, here's the screenshot of the Ingestion Control page for another service, tested with 50% sampling rate. It still reports 100% ingestion rate, with the auto
reason specified. That might be due to the library being unofficial, or some metadata still missing.