All tests should work in demo magento 1.8 with sample data (default magento design package)
# Install magento with sample data. Default currency "US$"
# Create admin, frontend and soap user.
# Change settings in conf/defaults.xml or create a new configuration file
git clone Menta_MagentoSampleProject
cd Menta_MagentoSampleProject
./composer.phar install
# Creating directory for HTML reports
cd Tests
mkdir -p ../build/reports
# download selenium server - selenium-server-standalone-<version-number>.jar
# run selenium server
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-<version-number>.jar
# run single test
../bin/phpunit --configuration=../conf/defaults.xml General/ScreenshotsTest.php
# run all tests
../bin/phpunit --configuration=../conf/defaults.xml ../vendor/aoemedia/menta/lib/Menta/Util/CreateTestSuite.php