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brentonashworth edited this page Jul 19, 2011 · 15 revisions

Demo Application

Dynamic Twitter Application

Goal: Show off ClojureScript. Pull in tweets on a certain hashtag and organizing them in a meaningful way by discovering things about the tweets based on the content.


  • Build a network of people who tweet on a certain topic
    • Each node could be the twitter avatar
    • Nodes could be related (draw a line between?) if there is a mention or a retweet
    • Nodes could grow in size based on number of connections?
  • Sidebar with most popular tweets
    • Show the five most popular tweets based on retweets/mentions
  • Show history of the data
    • Display a timeline along the bottom
    • Scrub the timeline backwards to show each tweet as it is added

Example twitter data - passed to visualization callback

Tweets are a vector of maps. Vector will probably most likely maybe not never be not empty.

[{:from_user_id_str "386967"
  :profile_image_url ""
  :created_at "Fri, 15 Jul 2011 20:18:02 +0000"
  :from_user "ajlopez"
  :id_str "91964762916790272"
  :metadata {"result_type" "recent"}
  :to_user_id nil
  :text "The Clojure Daily is out! \u25b8 Top stories today via @berngp @jneira @rrjanbiah @kazu_yamamoto @leontalbot"
  :id 91964762916790272
  :from_user_id 386967
  :geo nil
  :iso_language_code "en"
  :to_user_id_str nil
  :source "<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>"}
 {:from_user_id_str "94383535"
  :profile_image_url ""
  :created_at "Fri, 15 Jul 2011 19:37:37 +0000"
  :from_user "ahillelt"
  :id_str "91954592115462144"
  :metadata {"result_type" "recent"}
  :to_user_id nil
  :text "For all you Ruby fans out there, Matz has joined Heroku, a Ruby Cloud Hosting Company. Plus Heroku now supports Clojure apps in it's cloud."
  :id 91954592115462144
  :from_user_id 94383535
  :geo nil
  :iso_language_code "en"
  :to_user_id_str nil
  :source "<a href="">web</a>"}]

Closure Demos

There are some great demos with lots of sample code in closure/library/closure/goog/demos

  • closure/library/closure/goog/demos/index.html
  • Of interest to us
    • closure/library/closure/goog/demos/quadtree.html

Open Questions

  • How to pull in tweets?
    • We pull in tweets, remember the last one we saw, and call somebody's function with data if we see anything new
      • agents would be nice for this
        • timeline?
          • atom + our own timeline data structure
          • tweet consumer/plugin responsibility to store historical data?

Demo Tasks

tweet timeline view - display the n latest tweets

  • update base layout, add timeline column
  • in a separate namespace: twitterbuzz.timeline
    • register a function to get new tweets
      • when it gets new tweets, it adds them to the top of an ul as li
      • it removes the last n tweets as necessary

graph data structure (Alan and Brenton by 12am Tuesday)

  • show relationship between users and the users that retweet/mention them
    • in the search.json data, we don't have "retweets" or "mentions"
      • we infer it from the text of the tweet
  • use the new js->clj that Stuart S. just added
  • change all loop/recur to use doseq
  • supports the 'leaderboard' view
  • supports a 'graph' view
  • consumer registers to receive data as we have it
    • we groom new tweet data into the graph data for them
   {:image-url ""
    :mentions {"sally" 3 "joe" 2}
    :last-tweet "Clojure on JavaScript. Wow!"
    :last-person-mentioned "ron"}
   {:image-url ""
    :mentions {"joe" 5}
    :last-tweet "ClojureScript doesn't have TCO! I'll never use it."
    :last-person-mentioned "joe"}}

tweet leaderboard view - show the most popular users

  • leverages graph data structure
    • registers a function that gets a new graph data structure when it's updated
  • sort by :num_mentions and populate a ul with up to n elements

graph view - show relationships between users

  • leverages graph data structure
    • registers a function that gets a new graph data structure when it's updated
