This Cypress plugin allows you to push your Cypress test results into QATouch.
Because the official one is not maintained anylonger and the bulk API it relies on is too unstable (random 500 errors)
npm install @kanidjar/cypress-qatouch-reporter
// cypress.config.js
const cypressJsonConfig = {
reporter: "./node_modules/@kanidjar/cypress-qatouch-reporter",
reporterOptions: {
domain: "your_domain",
apiToken: "your_api_token",
projectKey: "your_project_key",
testRunKey: "your_test_run_key",
screenshotsFolder: "path_to_your_screenshot_folder", // optional - only if you want to upload screenshots of your tests to QATouch
or using cypress-multi-reporters
// cypress.config.js
const cypressJsonConfig = {
reporter: "./node_modules/cypress-multi-reporters",
reporterOptions: {
reporterEnabled: ["@kanidjar/cypress-qatouch-reporter"],
kanidjarCypressQatouchReporterReporterOptions: {
domain: "your_domain",
apiToken: "your_api_token",
projectKey: "your_project_key",
testRunKey: "your_test_run_key",
screenshotsFolder: "path_to_your_screenshot_folder", // optional - only if you want to upload screenshots of your tests to QATouch
The title of your tests must start with "[QATouch-XXX]", XXX being your test result key.
it("[QATouch-XXXX] should do something", () => {});
Distributed under the Apache License. See LICENSE.txt
for more information.
for more information.