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PHP PDO wrapper to connect to MySQL.

This PHP wrapper uses the PHP PDO Library to connect to MySQL. The PHP PDO library prevents SQL Injection by using prepared statements.

How to use this library?

  • Put your database configuration credentials in the file DBConfig.php

  • Include the DBWrapper.php file in your project, create an object of the DBWrapper class and start using it in your application.

Available functions

  • Select: This function is used to get results via the regular SQL SELECT command. Please note that this can not be used to run queries using joins as of now. It takes the following arguments:

    • table: String denoting the name of the table you want to query.
    • fields: Comma separated string for the fields you want in the result set. For example :- If you want to get id and name, you can pass this parameter as 'id, name'. If you want to get all the records in the table, you can use ''. You can also use aggregation SQL functions like count(), sum(), max(), min() like 'count()'
    • condition parameters: This is an associative array used to denote the list of condition parameters used for evaluating the WHERE condition in the SQL command. For example :- Array('city'=>'chicago', 'is_active'=>1) will translate to "where city = 'chicago' and is_active = 1) in the SQL query.
    • group by: Comma separated string denoting the the fields you want to group the result by. For example, if you want to group the result set by the "city" field, you can pass this argument as "city". If you want to group the result set by the city and is_active field, you can pass this argument as "city, is_active"
    • limit: String for controlling the number of records returned by the SQL query. This uses the LIMIT expression functionality in SQL. If you want to get first 5 records, pass this argument as "LIMIT 5"
    • sort by: Comma separated string denoting the fields you want to sort the result set by. This uses the standard ORDER BY functionality in SQL. In order to order the result set by id increasing, pass this parameter as "id asc". If you want to order the result set by 2 parameters, you can pass a comma separated string such as "name asc, id desc"
    • fetch style: A constant denoting the result fetch mode. Default value is PDO::FETCH_ASSOC. For a list of fetch modes and their meaning, you can consult this link.
    • iteration: A boolean denoting whether the result set needs to be iterated. Default value is false. False means that the result set will be passed in one go to the calling script. True means that the PDO statement will be passed and the calling function will need to be use an iterator to traverse over the result set.

    The result set returned by this function depends upon the fetch mode used and if iteration is enabled or not. The default fetch mode(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) will return the result set as a multi dimensional associative array. Each row in the array will correspond to a row in the result set. This is however the case when iteration is not enabled. In case iteration is enabled, a PDO Statement object is returned which needs to be traversed by some Iterator utility to fetch the rows one by one(This is useful for saving memory while fetching big result sets)

  • Insert: This function is used to insert a row into the table via the regular SQL INSERT command. It takes the following arguments:

    • table: String denoting the name of the table you want to insert the row into.
    • fields: This is an associative array used to denote the list of values for the fields used in the INSERT command. For example :- Array('city'=>'chicago', 'is_active'=>1) will translate to "INSERT INTO TABLENAME(city, is_active) VALUES('chicago',1)" in the SQL query.
    • insert ignore: A boolean denoting whether INSERT IGNORE needs to be used in place of the regular INSERT syntax. Default value is false.

    This functions returns a positive integer, the insert succeeded. If the table has an autoincremented field, then the newly inserted ID is returned. If it doesn't, then '0' is returned to signify 'true'.

  • Update: This function is updating rows in the table via the regular SQL UPDATE command. It takes the following arguments:

    • table: String denoting the name of the table you want to update the row in.
    • fields: This is an associative array used to denote the list of updated values for the the rows. For example :- Array('city'=>'chicago', 'is_active'=>1) will translate to "UPDATE TABLENAME set 'city' = 'chicago', 'is_active' = 1" in the SQL query.
    • condition parameters: This is an associative array used to denote the list of condition parameters used for evaluating the WHERE condition in the SQL UPDATE command. For example :- Array('city'=>'chicago', 'is_active'=>1) will translate to "where city = 'chicago' and is_active = 1) in the SQL query.

    This function returns the number of rows affected(updated). Here, please note that 0 number of rows affected does not mean failure. If the query itself fails to run, then the boolean FALSE is returned.

  • Delete: This function is for deleting rows in the table via the regular SQL DELETE command. It takes the following arguments:

    • table: String denoting the name of the table you want to delete the rows from.
    • condition parameters: This is an associative array used to denote the list of condition parameters used for evaluating the WHERE condition in the SQL DELETE command. For example :- Array('city'=>'chicago', 'is_active'=>1) will translate to "where city = 'chicago' and is_active = 1) in the SQL query.

    This function returns the number of rows affected(deleted). Here, please note that 0 number of rows affected does not mean failure. If the query itself fails to run, then the boolean FALSE is returned.

Some notes

  • This wrapper uses the utf8mb4 encoding and the utf8mb4_unicode_ci collation for the database connection. You can change these if needed, in the constructor of DBWrapper class in DBWrapper.php

Sample usage

Include the wrapper

require_once 'DBWrapper.php'; //this will only work if the file is in the same folder as the executed file. If not, put the relative path here

Connecting to the database

try {
    $db = new DBWrapper();

    //connection to the database succeeded. Now you can use $db to execute queries on the MySQL database.
catch(Exception $e) {
    //connecting to the database failed.
    //$e->getMessage() will contain the reason for the same

Execute a SELECT query

The following code will return number of users(by gender) who are active and who are located in Chicago.

$conditionParamsArray = Array('city'=>'Chicago','is_active'=>1);

$result = $db->select('users', 'gender, count(*) as count', $conditionParamsArray, 'gender', '', 'gender asc');

if(empty($result)) {
    //no rows returned
else {
    foreach($result as $row) {
        echo 'Gender '.$row['gender'].': '.$row['count']."\n";

This will output something like:

Gender Female: 3
Gender Male: 2

Execute an INSERT query

The following code will insert a row into the 'users' table

$insertParamsArray = Array('id' => 2, 'name'=>'John', 'gender'=>'Male', 'city'=>'Chicago', 'is_active'=> 1);

try {
    $lastInsertedID = $db->insert('users', $insertParamsArray);
catch(Exception $e) {
    //oops. The insert query failed. Perhaps send this error message($e->getMessage()) to a logging service

Execute an UPDATE query

The following code will update rows(set is_active = 1) in the 'users' table for users who live in Chicago

$updateParamsArray = Array('is_active'=>1);
$conditionParamsArray = Array('city'=>'Chicago');

try {
    $countRowsUpdated = $db->update('users', $updateParamsArray, $conditionParamsArray);

    if($countRowsUpdated === 0) {
        //the query ran fine, but no rows were updated
    else {
        //the query succeeded. $countRowsUpdated were updated.
catch(Exception $e) {
    //oops. The update query failed. Perhaps send this error message($e->getMessage()) to a logging service

Execute a DELETE query

The following code will delete rows from the 'users' table for users who live in Chicago

$conditionParamsArray = Array('city'=>'Chicago');

try {
    $countRowsDeleted = $db->delete('users', $conditionParamsArray);

    if($countRowsDeleted === 0) {
        //the query ran fine, but no rows were deleted
    else {
        //the query succeeded. $countRowsDeleted were deleted.
catch(Exception $e) {
    //oops. The update query failed. Perhaps send this error message($e->getMessage()) to a logging service


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